Decorating Your Home with an Italian Motif

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Your home is your dwelling place, and you should be doing everything within your power to make sure that it always makes you feel completely at ease. A wonderful way to make your home feel like it is comfortable and truly yours is by decorating it in a certain style. There are many themes and motifs that you can choose from when decorating your home, ranging from western to Asian-inspired and everything in between. One of the most aesthetically pleasing decorating approaches is the Italian style. Decorating your home with an Italian motif has a myriad of benefits and can make your house reminiscent of an Italian villa. It will allow you to live La Dolce Vita, or ‘the sweet life’ and have you feeling like the world is your oyster. The Italian style home has many attributes, from tastefully utilizing marble to hanging regal paintings; it is quite an incredible style and there are so many options available when decorating. There are many tips that can augment your Italian remodel of your home. A few of these tips are listed below:



Anyone who knows even a shred about Italian culture is aware how important food is to the Italian way of life. Pizza, pasta, meats, cheeses, and so many other delectable ingredients are a part of Italian cuisine. It can all be traced back to the old country, where Nonnas would make food in their rustic Italian kitchens. While traditionally, kitchens in Italy were not as elegant as modern Italian kitchens, you can decorate your kitchen with a mix of old-world and new-age Italian decorating. Beyond the obvious kitchen essentials such as a refrigerator, stove, oven, and microwave, you can try to add some Italian culinary tools, such as a pizza stone, garlic press, peppermill and others. Not only will these augment your kitchen’s aesthetic, they will also come in handy when cooking delicious Italian meals!    



Your bedroom is your chamber within your abode. While the rest of your house may be used for entertaining guests, hanging out with friends, or other activities, your bedroom is your intimate place. It is where you sleep, relax, watch television, and make yourself feel as comfy as possible. To truly enjoy La Dolce Vita, when decorating your bedroom in an Italian motif, there is much you need to do in order to create a peaceful ambiance. This will make you and your spouse feel like you are constantly in a palace! There is much you can add to your room, such as a marble bust, regal paintings, and suave furniture. You should also make your bed look and feel as inviting and Italian as the rest of your newly remodeled room. You can do this by investing in comfortable bedding, plush decorative pillows, and more.


Final Thoughts       

Your home is the place where you spend the majority of your time. Beyond the (hopefully) eight hours of sleep you are spending in your home, you always utilize your home as a place of comfort, relaxation and respite. Decorating your home is an important part of making it feel like it is truly your abode. While there are a myriad of ways to decorate your home, an Italian motif is by far one of the most aesthetically appealing. By decorating your home in an Italian fashion, you will be able to truly get the most out of your home. By decorating your kitchen with a mix of traditional and modern Italian style and your bedroom regally with Italian furniture and art you are sure to have the best and most beautiful house on the block!    

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