Best Exterior Renovations for Improving Home Value

When you start thinking about remodeling your home, you may be initially inspired by grand ambitions, like creating a luxurious, new bathroom, a spacious kitchen, or installing a gorgeous backyard pool, but these renovations may not yield the most optimal return on investment. If you’re spending money to improve the value of your home and want to get the most bang for your buck, it’s important to choose your projects wisely.

Exterior renovations, especially smaller, cost-effective improvements, tend to have a high ROI. While new siding, windows, and doors may not sound like the most glamorous additions, they are all excellent investments that will build your home’s value, curb appeal, and efficiency. Ready to renovate? The following exterior renovation projects are your best bet for improving the value of your home and seeing the largest ROI.


Embrace Smaller Touch-Ups to Improve Curb Appeal

Never underestimate the power of a first impression! Make sure your home makes a great one by improving its curb appeal. While the other renovations profiled below are functional updates that require some degree of investment, curb appeal is a more abstract, cosmetic amenity that can often be attained with a few maintenance tasks, like painting, landscaping, or gutter replacement.

Whether you’re planning to sell soon, or you simply want your home to stand out, simple to-dos, like keeping your lawn well-manicured, getting rid of excess leaves and sticks, planting greenery or flowers, and power-washing your home’s exterior, will be impactful and inexpensive. Home remodeling is often thought of as a fully transformative process, but the true art lies in selecting the most value-rich renovations, regardless of size or scope.

Add a New Front Door

Your door is more than a point of entry, if you choose wisely. The best doors bolster home security while accentuating the unique stylistic preferences of the household. Repainting or replacing your front door is a great way to add some value to your home quickly and affordably. For the highest value, be sure that the door you choose is secure, stylish, and installed by qualified individuals.

If you want to maximize ROI, invest in a new steel entry door. Steel door installations aren’t cheap, often running homeowners over $1,000, but these renovations yield one of the highest cost recoup rates (90%).

Replace Old Windows

If you’ve got drafty, cracked, or inefficient windows, now is the time to replace them! Not only will updating your windows add value to your home, it will also help you save money each year on heating and cooling costs. Replacement windows are a great way to update the style of your entire home without having to deal with long, messy, and costly renovations. While windows don’t offer an ROI as high as a steel entry door, choosing windows with multiple panes or insulated sashes is a great way to attract buyers and increase your home’s value.

New Siding Provides a Stylish and Functional Update

Installing new siding will update your property’s look, provide additional protection against harsh weather, further insulate your home, and deliver enhanced indoor temperature control. Investing in new siding, whether it’s insulated vinyl or fiber cement, typically has a cost recoup rate near 90%, so it’s a great exterior renovation to consider.

The home improvements above are all great ways to improve your property’s value, but if you want the highest ROI, make sure that you choose experienced and qualified professionals to handle these tasks. Even windows with the best Energy Star rating won’t perform as they should if they’re installed improperly, so it’s crucial to find trustworthy and experienced contractors that understand exterior renovations. Improve value, save money, and boost the function and style of your home by investing in these home improvement projects. 

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