Why Hire a Professional Remodeler?

One of the first major decisions you’ll make during any home remodel is whether you’ll go at it alone, or with the help of professional contractors. It seems like an easy call; a novice renovator or weekend warrior should solicit an expert hand, while those with more D.I.Y. experience will have a little more wiggle room. Too often, though, homeowners are not fully honest about their skill level or need for professional help.

In many instances, understandably, it’s a money issue. Home renovation contractors have an unappealing reputation for being expensive and inefficient in the minds of some. This idea, however, flies in the face of the fact that many home remodeling companies are thoroughly accredited, licensed and insured.

Not to mention that many remodeling processes have become significantly less time-consuming. A homeowner may think that a bathroom remodel automatically requires a complete gutting of their walls and plumbing, but with innovative construction materials and manufacturer training programs, these services have become almost exclusively 1 to 2-day projects.

Speed, efficiency, and a quality result are points of justification for both sides of the professional remodeler debate, so let’s dig a little deeper to find some truly unique benefits that come with hiring experienced contractors.

In-House Design Services

All remodeling projects start with a vision, but the real craft lies in having your renovated space reflect that vision as closely as possible. Having the help of a dedicated design team or sophisticated floor planning software will make this process exponentially easier, as opposed to working with a team of buddies solely based off loose concepts and word of mouth. Larger remodeling companies offer a wealth of renovation options, so they employ a design team or software to give their customers the best sense of the choices at their disposal.

Logistical Knowledge

If all remodeling projects were just about repair and replace, the question of whether to hire professional help might not be as pressing; but home renovation is a layered process, especially when it comes to the paperwork. All major residential work requires permit pulling and strict adherence to local building codes.

Not only is living amongst unsanctioned construction work dangerous, it also puts homeowners at risk of failing future property inspections and having to repair already renovated parts of their abode, if they ever want to sell. True remodeling professionals will be deeply familiar with this process, and best of all, will assume much of the project liability since, in many jurisdictions, that is placed on the person or business that files for the initial construction permit.

Warranty Protection

If you organize your remodel independently, you could purchase new materials or fixtures directly from the manufacturer and be protected by any warranties they offer, but in many cases, those policies only extend to the durability and functionality of the product itself—not to any issues you might encounter while installing them, or even getting them in your home. With a professional remodeler, you’ll be protected against defective products, faulty installation practices and accidental damage.

A Documented Body of Work

If quality assurance is your top priority, there’s no better way to assess the capability of your target remodelers than looking at their past reviews, project photography and customer testimonials. Pouring over all this information for each contractor service may seem overwhelming, but there are some shorthand strategies that will help streamline the process.

Namely, if a remodeling company you’re considering doesn’t have a substantial pool of customer feedback or documented evidence of their past work, it likely means there’s not a lot there for them to be proud of. Conversely, if these components are featured prominently on a remodeler’s website and cited during their consultation process, it likely indicates that business prioritizes quality, project transparency, and most importantly, customer satisfaction.

Depending on their scope, professional remodeling services can be expensive, so they invite a lot of scrutiny about the value they truly provide homeowners. Many homeowners, however, have a very narrow definition of value and risk losing sight of the benefits they do reap with the help of professionals. The next time you plan a home remodel, make sure to consider the items above and determine whether they will enrich or detract from your project before deciding if hiring a professional remodeler is right for you.

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