How To Select The Best Toilet For Your Bathroom?

Best Toilet

A toilet is of prime importance in a house and if you need to decide what kind of a toilet you want for the bathroom in your new house, you need to be very vigilant in deciding it since you will be using it for a long time and the plumbing in your bathroom will be relevant to that kind of toilet. The best toilet in 2017 will probably make you choose from amongst a few really high-tech options but those kinds of toilets are not for everyone and naturally, they require a lot of money. So here are some key considerations you need to keep in mind when deciding on the best toilet for your bathroom:

Consider Your Needs

First of all, you need to consider your own personal needs regarding a toilet. Can you make do with a simple, western style toilet with a manual flush, or are you used to a squatting toilet or so. If you need a toilet for an outdoor cabin or lodge which has you concerned regarding the plumbing conditions of the area, the best you can do is invest in a composting toilet which does not need any water or plumbing.

Consider Your Budget

Do not make the mistake of spending more than your limit on a fancy toilet. Try to get discounts and bargains from the vendors and only spend as much as you can afford to on a toilet.

Do You Want A Bidet?

Bidets are becoming more and more common in households lately. Installing a bidet in your home will greatly improve your hygienic conditions. If you want a bidet installed in your bathroom, you need to decide what kind of a bidet you want as well. There are many options available like a shower bidet, a jet bidet, a bidet that comes as an extension of your toilet seat or a separate bidet basin which is there only for cleaning purposes.

Do You Want Automated Functions On The Toilet?

As we have mentioned before, there are very high tech toilets available in the market too and they are known as smart or intelligent toilets. They come with a control that offers a range of functions for your ease, for example, a flush, a bidet option from the rear, a seat warmer for those icy winters and much more. An intelligent toilet is surely the most convenient kind of toilet you can have but it is naturally quite expensive. You need to consider your budget before anything else and decide the toilet accordingly.

Consider The Size Of The Toilet And Your Bathroom

If you live in a small apartment and have to get a toilet installed there, then you would do best to get a one-piece compact kind of toilet since your bathroom would probably be quite small as well. You would probably not have any room left for a separate bidet basin either. If you do not consider this and get a large toilet, you would be eating up your showering space and the space for your sink.

The extensions like bidet basins and large toilets are options you should consider when you have a large bathroom in a big house. Even in a big house, you would do best to install small toilets in the smaller bathrooms.

Read Reviews And Get Consultations

Go online and read reviews on the best kinds of toilets there are out there. This would give you knowledge about the best toilet manufacturers out there. You can also talk to friends and family members who have had to face a similar situation when getting their house.


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