Useful Tips For How To Save Money When Moving

Save Money When Moving

You are planning to organise a move and the time to finalise it is coming. How much will cost to hire a furniture removal company?

It makes sense to ask yourself how to move on a tight budget?

  • Save Money When Moving Your Personal Belongings

If you haven’t worn some clothes in the past 5 years, maybe you won’t be wearing them at all. So, look at your wardrobe and sort all the things that you don’t fancy anymore or are old fashioned. While packing, check your other possessions – cupboards, drawers and boxes. Take the items that are broken and worn out in order to save some money. These might be things you’ll never use in your attic, old toys forgotten in the basement. Make a good selection of what to take with you when moving.

Why will this tip be useful? The final price is defined by the weight of the items you are moving to your new home.

Garage Sale



So, get rid of everything that is useless. You can do it several months before the move. This will save you money and time. Don’t put everything in the garbage! Instead of just throwing away several things that you don’t want anymore, give them away to somebody else. You can also sell some of the items and make some money. Organise a garage sale and display all the things you don't want to take with you in the new home.

You can also save money leaving in your old house indispensable things like plants, wall paintings, statuettes. Ask the new owners if they want to buy these items. Тhus, you will save some extra money from the special packing that goes with them.




  • Save Money With The Packing

old magazines and newspapers

It's almost sure that you have some long forgotten items like boxes, towels, blankets, mops, magazines, newspapers. All of these could be used again to save money. Instead of buying packing materials, use old magazines and newspapers. You can wrap furniture or electronics with towels and blankets. You can also crush the pages of newspapers and magazines and place them in the boxes where you put breakable items like glass cups or porcelain dishes. The paper will protect the items when moving.


Talk with your neighbours and friends! See who has recently moved and ask them to have their packing papers and supplies. So, you can save money from buying them. You can also post on social network that you search for packing materials. Surely, people who don’t need theirs may contact you and give them to you. By sharing on the web that you are moving and ask for help, you may also get other ideas on how to save some dollars. So don’t ignore the most powerful sources of information like social networks that nowadays are very popular.

  • Save money with the cleaning materials as well

old newspapers to clean windows


Do you know that you can save some money by using old newspapers to clean windows for example? Yes, you can! Just add some water or some cleaning window liquid and you will have spotless windows.




  • Save Money On Moving Expenses

It is a good idea to disassemble some of the larger furniture in advance (before the moving day). If you do this all by yourself, you will save money, because a professional mover will charge you extra for performing this job.

  • How can you save money on movers?

Contacting a random moving company is not the best choice. In advance, ask different companies for price estimates. Hire the moving company that gives you a relatively good price. Try to avoid moving scams and stick to the best offer you get.

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