7 Things a Housekeeper Won't Tell You, but Wants You to Know

housekeeper wiping down the counters

Having a housekeeper maintaining your home fresh and clean on a regular basis and relieving you from the house chores you don’t really have any time or desire for is a dream come true. Some people consider it as a luxury, and they’re right to a certain extent, as not everybody is able to or afford house cleaning services or wants to spend his/her money on them. But, for the people, who decide to enlist the help of a professional house cleaner, it’s a total necessity.

There’re a few things that come in hand with the convenience of hiring a specially designated person, essentially a stranger, to clear up the mess and make your home comfortable and spotless, though. It’s not even the awkwardness of letting someone clean up after you, but the expectations and the attitude most people have to the profession.

Here’re the things an average housekeeper or house cleaner won’t normally say to the people he/she works for, but would really like the clients to take into consideration.

Things your housekeeper won’t tell you

1. Unless you ask me, I won’t bring my cleaning products

Don’t get confused here. Generally, occasional house cleaning professionals bring their supplies and cleaning products unless their clients ask them to use specific products they have at their houses if they have such a preference or need to stick to the specific cleaners due to the personal issues (most commonly, allergies). But, when it comes to a housekeeper, who works for multiple clients, she’s not supposed to bring a bundle of products, brooms, mops and vacuums to your house. She’ll use the supplies you have at home.

Thus, the quality of her operation and the cleanliness of your home will depend on your conscious effort to provide her with everything she needs to keep your place clean. Some housekeepers aren’t against buying the supplies for the client (when the expenses are compensated, of course), but they’ll still store those at the client’s house/apartment.  

2. I’m not a cleaning fairy

Yes, I’m a professional cleaner who has to know the job and perform at a high level. But, I don’t have a magic wand to tidy the entire 3-story house in less than two hours. Do you want me to wipe down the windows, scrub your bathrooms, dust the surfaces, do the dishes and laundry, deal with your clutter and deep clean your carpet before your business partner's or spouse’s parents arrive? Call me beforehand then, as I’m not a magic broom.

3. I’m not a dog walker/babysitter/grocery shopper/button stitching person either

Don’t get me wrong, if I’m on the good terms with my clients and I have free time, I may pick up extra chores occasionally. But, you can’t expect me to do all the random tasks you’re not coping with just because I’m there. I’ll do what I’m paid for and what I’m qualified to do. Do you want someone to walk your dog? Find a pet walker/sitter or pay me to do that if I agree to.

4. A reasonable notice is highly appreciated

Everyone understands that’s quite rude not to let a hairdresser, a babysitter, a pool cleaner, a dentist or other kind of service provider know that you’re going to cancel the appointment or stop hiring them in advance. Housekeepers appreciate the same treatment. And they totally deserve it. No one would like to waste his time to come to work to find out that it’s canceled or to hear about the fact that he’s fired and has no job without having some time to find another source of income.

5. I can’t read your mind to figure out how you want me to do certain things

It’s completely understandable that different clients have different house cleaning approaches and may set certain requirements for their housekeepers. But, please, speak out and let me know if you need me to do something this way, but not the other instead of being disappointed at me, but not telling why.

6. I know stuff, but I’ll keep my mouth shut

I clean your house and know more that you may want me to. But, let’s be real, you’re the one who hired me for the job, thus you presumed that a complete stranger will go through your things to clean up your home. I may find the stuff in your kid’s bedroom you’re not even aware of. I might notice something you don’t suspect or want anyone to know. But, unless it threatens someone safety, I won’t tell anyone.

7. I don’t deserve ‘the look’

I may not work as an attorney at a fancy law firm, a financial consultant or a popular interior designer. But, I work probably just as hard as you do to earn my money. And, unless you prove me wrong, I’m great at what I’m doing. So, don’t feel like you’re entitled to look down on me. Let’s be kind and respectful to one another and appreciate each other’s work.

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