7 Home Renovation Mistakes to Avoid At All Costs


If you are planning a home renovation anytime soon, there are plenty of things you will have to keep in mind. You should organise the whole process well in advance, determine a budget and find a reliable contractor for the job. But if you are not vigilant, you could easily stray off the right path and make grave mistakes that will influence the outcome of your house remodelling project in the most negative of ways.

  • Using Cheap Building Materials

You may be thinking: “Why not save some cash by buying materials on the cheap?” Buying cheaper building materials is all well and good, but if the ones you bought turn out to be of substandard quality, you may have to fork out another hefty amount for replacement materials and in the end pay a lot more than you would if you bought good-quality ones in the first place. Go for a good balance of quality and price.

  • Ignoring Safety Measures

Building work is never 100% safe. Safety procedures aren’t just a tedious complication that serves no purpose – on the contrary, they are set for a good reason and should be followed to the letter. Make sure that everyone involved in the home remodelling process – you, the builders and even the company you hire for the builders waste disposal – adheres to all safety measures and wears safety gear when on the site. That’ll save you a lot of trouble and prevent any injuries during the process.

  • Going Over Budget

Once you have set a budget for the house refurbishment, make sure you stick to it religiously. You may be tempted to go over budget for a number of reasons – you may find some décor piece irresistible, although thrice as expensive as another equally good one, you may get carried away with the decorations, etc. Whatever the reason, never stretch your budget over the limit you have set or you will spend years paying for the remodelling.

  • Inaccurate Measurements

If the measurements for the house redecoration aren’t taken accurately, chances are the new furnishings won’t fit and you may have to start afresh, which will no doubt cost you. The margin for error in the construction world is ¼ inch, and anything over that is unacceptable. Make sure the builders who take the measurements are well trained and know what they are doing.

  • Not Obtaining the Necessary Permits

When renovating your home, there may be certain permits you may have to secure before even starting the work. Check with your local authorities and obtain all relevant permits and licences to stay on the rights side of the law and avoid any fines.

  • Focusing on Looks Only

If you focus only on the aesthetic side of the renovation, there is a risk of ignoring the functionality of the final outcome. You may end up with a pretty-looking but inconvenient or awkward to live in house. Make sure you emphasise on both looks and convenience when planning your home refurbishment process and throughout its execution.

  • Letting the Waste Pile Up

Building work creates a lot of waste – debris, old fittings, bricks, cement, you name it. Never let building junk pile up and organise regular builders waste removal. If you don’t get the junk out of the way after every stage of the process is completed, it will obstruct the work and may even cause property damage or injuries. You can handle builders clearance by renting a skip and dumping the waste there or hiring a waste disposal company to do it on your behalf. The latter is always the preferred option, as the building site clearance will be in safer hands with professionals on the job.


Avoid these seven mistakes, organise your home remodelling project wisely and you will soon have the house of your dreams, without any problems along the way. 

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