Six Best Renovations to Add Value to Your Home

vintage house

There comes a time in every homeowner’s life that the question of renovations come up. Usually these questions are pondered when it’s time to sell, but not always. Indeed, some of the best home renovations happen because a homeowner wants to make a home feel homier. Doing so improves life at home and the bottom line of the house at the same time. If you count yourself among those who would like to renovate their homes this year, you’ll want to consider these six home renovations.

1. Extend Your Garage

Who couldn’t use more space? While some homeowners will add a room, others who are the handy type love garage extensions. Let’s face it. Garages and sheds are the DIYer’s domain. After all, there’s nothing quite like the smell of fresh cedar wood, a bit of varnish, and a few nails to make a fall project feel just right.

If budget allows, extending a garage can be the best way to renovate a house. Often, garages can look and feel bland, but a good overhaul will add much to this space’s visual appeal. A floor can be cleaned of oil and given a fresh coat of epoxy. Or even better, it can be replaced with a beautiful stone finish. Adding on to the garage also gives you more places to store things if you’re inclined to build those things.

If you don’t feel like you have it in your budget to add on to your garage, think about another possibility. To customize your own shed is possible in this case. This job will give the ardent garage builders among you the extra space required without the cost of adding to the garage.

2. Re-Doing Your Deck

If you spend a lot of time outside, then adding on or redoing a deck can be one of the best things to renovate in a house. If you choose this renovation, you’ll want to make sure that you build a deck that’s large enough to accommodate having people over. While it’s nice to think about having a space for just you and your spouse, it’s also nice to create a space for the grill and some patio or outdoor furniture. However, before diving into this project, it's crucial to consider the cost, including factors such as how much does cedar decking cost. Cedar decking offers both durability and aesthetic appeal, but prices can vary depending on factors like the quality of the wood, the size of the deck, and any additional features desired.

3. Finding Space Without Adding On

Many homes already have an attic or a full basement. Renovating these spaces gives you a great deal of extra room for more bedrooms, a den, or a workout room. Making over this type of space counts as one of the best ways to renovate a house because you don’t have to buy the lumber and supplies to add on an entire extra room. You need only to remake the space that’s already there. And adding a bedroom or den can ultimately add to the resell value of your home.

4. Improving the Kitchen

If you ever waxed nostalgic about how your home smelled of mom’s cooking on a cold fall day, you know the value of a cozy and well-equipped kitchen. By default, kitchens have become the places we gather to make meals, teach our children to cook, and a place for homework. And, of course, if you truly love to cook, you probably also love to open up your kitchen to friends for dinner parties and coffee.

One of the ways to make the most of this renovation is to overhaul the closed-off space. These spacious floor plans make an all-in-one space of the den or living room and the kitchen. This renovation also makes sense if you’ve already added a deck off the den or the kitchen. This provides you with a way to expand even more and create an outdoor living room without much extra effort.

5. Adding to Your Curb Appeal

Did you know the simple act of replacing your front door not only adds to your home’s curb appeal but also increases the amount you can sell the house for? Invest in a steel front door and watch your investment get a return of almost 130%!

This not only makes your home safer, chances are you’ll improve your home’s energy efficiency by making this simple improvement. Best of all, this is one of the least expensive renovations around!

6. The Windows

And speaking of curb appeal, why stop at the door? This addition is among the best home renovations in terms of a return on your investment. As with the door, you’ll find it easier to keep your winter heating costs down with better windows. And you have a chance to add better views to your home in the process.

There you have it! The six best ways to renovate your house! Try one or all of them and watch the value of your home grow.

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