Tips for Green Cleaning Your House

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You probably have a lot of cleaning products at home. In order to maintain a clean and fresh home atmosphere, you should take special care for the cleanliness of your house. However, most of the commercial cleaning products that you use contain lots of chemicals that have the potential to cause serious damage to the environment as well as on the people and animals living in it. Not to mention that these products can be not only dangerous for your health but also too expensive for your budget. Here you can find some simple cleaning solutions on how to maintain a clean home without using toxic products. This way you will turn your home into a safer place for you and your family.

Go all-natural

The first and most important tip for green cleaning are making your own non-toxic cleaners at home. There are so many simple products that you can use in order to improve your cleaning. You can use:

Baking soda;


Lemon juice

These products can easily be turned into great domestic cleaners.

Clean with baking soda

Baking soda is a very powerful natural cleaner that you can use to neutralize bad odors from your fridge. It can easily absorb strong odors coming from some bad food. Nearly every dirty spot in your house can benefit from the baking soda cleaning solution. It works really efficiently in removing stains from countertops, cutting boards, fridges, stainless steel household appliances, etc.

Clean with vinegar

Vinegar is another simple product that can easily be turned into a perfect house cleaner. It can be used to replace many of the commercial cleaners that are rather harmful to the environment. Moreover, it is very cheap and can be found in any home. Vinegar is very effective in removing stains and spills, eliminating odors, removing mold and mildew, as well as cleaning windows, countertops, stove tops, etc. Don’t use vinegar for cleaning natural stones such as marble, granite, and limestone because it can be rather harmful to these surfaces.

Clean with lemon juice

Lemon juice can help your clean glass surfaces, remove stains and deodorize. It is also a great natural product that you can use for green cleaning.

Clean the air indoors naturally

Avoid buying artificial air fresheners from the store. Always try to keep your windows open as often as possible. Fresh air is really important for a healthy living. Plants are also great for filtering indoor air. Make sure you place lots of them around your home.

Be careful when using antibacterial cleaners

Avoid using antibacterial cleaners as there is nothing more efficient for cleaning your hands than regular soap and water. These products don’t clean hands better and can even add to the risk of breeding bacteria that survive the chemical impact.

Remove bad odors using baking soda or vinegar

You can easily remove a bad smell coming from your carpet by sprinkling some baking soda on it. Vacuum it up after a while. It is a great odor eliminator. A bowl of vinegar is also great for removing bad odors. Just place it in the room for a couple of hours.

Once your house is free from all of the toxic cleaners, it’s time to think of some green ways to maintain a fresh and clean home. As you can see, there are simple products that you can use. Go for all-natural and safe cleaners. Natural cleaning solutions can also help you save a lot of money as you won’t need to buy all of the expensive products which are often targeted to clean only one type of surface. Baking soda, lemon, and vinegar are cheap and have multiple purposes. They can be used very successfully in cleaning your home without the poisonous side effects. Nothing can be more satisfying than using products that are safe for you, your family and the environment!

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