Coordinating Colors in your Living Room

Decorating the living room is one activity that most home owners enjoy. As a matter of fact, it happens to be a very essential activity. This is the first room that everyone sees when they get into your home. This is the room where you will be entertaining your visitors and hosting all sorts of events. This is the reason as to why its decoration has to be done perfectly. It is imperative that you ensure that everything is done right and the room looks inviting, welcoming and well-coordinated. When choosing colors to use to decorate a room, things can be a bit tricky especially if you know you are not very good with blending colors. Not to worry though as the information below will make it much easier for you to coordinate the colors in your living room.

Begin with a Neutral Foundation

It is very important that this be your first step; it will go a very long way in determining the final appearance of your home. Remove all the furniture in the room and then paint it with white paint or a simple crisp light gray. It would be wise though to first sample a few colors to get to decide which one will work best for your home. Not every color will easily bend in with everything that you have. As you sample different colors, just paint a small portion of your wall and observe how the color changes throughout the day and how it appears in your room at night.

Get Neutral Furniture

Neutral living room furniture is very advisable to have. This actually makes it much easier to decorate the room with other items. Having a basic space makes it very easy to decorate as you will simply need to build on what you already have, you will not find yourself constantly having to work to blend in things together. Do not necessarily confine yourself to the basic gray and white shades, these are good, but it would also be good for you to try something bold like muted sag or indigo. They will be basic, yes, but they will also give you more depth.

Choose the Rugs

After you have decided on the paint and the furniture that will be going into your room, the next step is to decide on the rugs that you will be having in the living room. The good news is that with this you can be a bit flexible. You can choose to have the big jute rug or you can simply choose to have rugs layered over others. Ensure though that you make a good investment when it comes to the rugs; do not be afraid to spend the money. A quality rug will cost you quite an amount of money but its durability is certainly something that you will enjoy.

Now we get to the Pillows

You might have been reading through and wondering why everything needs to be basic. You might have already started feeling like you will have quite a boring living room but that is not the case. Starting basic is usually highly advisable as you will now get to enjoy flexibility and randomness as you build on the basic. For instance, now with the pillows, you can go bold. You can choose various colors and various patterns. You might already be well aware of the pomp and flash that pillows add into a room. You can now use them to put in that flare and boldness that you have wanted all along.

Other Decorative Items

Once you are done with the basics, you can now choose a number of good decorat9ive items that you feel will work well within the space that you have created. Take the time to browse through a few items that you can have and only select those that you feel will work best for your space. Throwing in a plant or two is also usually a great idea. Plants work very well to bring life into a room. Place one or two house plants within the space and you will be good to go. Just ensure that you strategically place them in positions that allow them to easily access light as they need this for growth and photosynthesis. Also make sure that you take good care of the plants to ensure that they are always lively and healthy.

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