8 Ways To Cosy Up Your Home This Chilly Season

Now that fall is officially here, it's time to prepare your house for cold weather, because winter is on its way. Let's banish the winter blues and cozy up the home. These eight clever tips will help you keep the chill out and the cosines in!

1. Draught Proof Your Home

You can minimize your heat transfers and bills by preventing draughts from entering into your home. For that, seal your windows and doors and make sure they are latched and closed properly all the time. Removable window-caulks are very appropriate for windows' better sealing. In addition. you can buy draft stoppers as well for the bottom of your doors.

2. Harness The Sun

On sunny winter days, it's a pleasure to go outside to soak up some rays, to warm yourself and to replenish your vitamin D levels. That way, you won't only be energized, but your serotonin levels will be high as well. Your home can also receive warmth and sunlight, so open wide your blinds and curtains. Consider pruning shrubs and trees as well, so more sunlight will enter into your home.

3. Put Down a Rug or Carpet

Most people associate winter with snowflakes, burning fireplace and cozy carpeting. If you have removed all the carpets and rugs from your home during the summer, it's time to get them back. Rugs and carpets prevent efficiently the heat loss through the floor and offer a warm surface to walk on because they are usually warmer to touch than tiles and floor boards. Besides, their upkeep is easy. Complete carpet cleaning should be applied once a year. So you can do it in the spring, before removing them for the summer.

4. Insulate Your Ceiling

A lot of people neglect to insulate their ceiling, but it's a mistake. Isolation stops heat transfers throughout your home, which means it keeps heat from escaping during winter. Moreover, your heating and cooling appliances won't have to work very hard in order to regulate the temperature and at the end, this will save you money on your energy bills.

5. Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans provide wonderful air circulation. To optimize the benefits, you can ensure the rotation of the blades is right and it's set on winter mode. It's important because fans should turn in a clockwise motion so that the warm air to flow downsides of the room. That way, heat distribution will be improved and your home be warm during the whole winter.

6. Close Off Any Unused Rooms

During summer we get the habit to leave doors open, but in winter we should change that habit. A closed door makes the room a barrier between you and the frosty outdoors. If there are any unused rooms close them off for the winter. That way, you will definitely reduce the heat loss in your home.

7. Install an Automatic Remote Controlled Garage Door

On chilly and rainy days, it's a real challenge to get in your car or out of it to manually open the garage door even if you have an umbrella. Actually, it's more than a challenge, it's a nightmare. The solution is to transform your existing manual garage door into a new remote controlled one. As a result, you will stay dry in your car and save from laundry, water and electricity.

8. Get Cooking!

Winter is the most suitable season for cooking, especially if you use the oven, because it will dry the air and heat the kitchen. Get started on those slow cooked meals and roasts. Moreover, lowering humidity in the winter time will make you feel warmer.

Applying these tips in your home, will make your home ready for the cold winds, snow and ice, and will keep the Old Man Winter out.

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