6 Unexpected Places Mold Can Hide in Your Home

Mold is sneaky. It can appear behind the drywall after a flood or in a damp basement. Besides, it can hide in places which you wouldn't expect, making it hard to wipe off. To detect it, think like a fungus and check these uncommon places providing the mold with the necessary quantity water and food it needs to grow.

1. Chimneys

Maybe you're surprised and asking yourself how mold can grow up here. As a matter of fact, brick crevices collect water, debris, and other dirt. Except that, rusted chimney caps let the rain enter and encourage the mold to grow. To get rid of it, first eliminate the prerequisite of its appearance. So if the gap is rusted replace it with а new one. Call a chimney sweep to give your chimney a good cleansing. That way, you'll not only get rid of mold, but your chimney will be free of creosote.

2. Refrigerator Drip Pans

Yes, it's a very unusual place. Actually, it's ideal for mold growing up, because drip pans collect a lot of moisture and food spills. Cleaning them should be inevitable part of your annual deep house cleaning plan. Make a hydrogen peroxide solution by mixing 1 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide in 1 cup water. Spray the pan, wait a few minutes, then wipe it with a rag soaked in white vinegar. Don't forget to clean the floor beneath the pan.

3. Front-Loading Washing Machines

Mold can appear on the gasket around the door of a front loaded washing machine. The reason for that is closing the door right after using the machine while it's still wet. To remove it, try to wipe the gasket and glass dry before closing the door. In case the door is moldy, run a hot water wash with some chlorine bleach to kill the fungi.

4. Window Sashes and Seals

What does mold love most? Of course, humid places. Condensation that appears on the windows is the perfect place for mold to grow. Therefore, after heavy rains, open the windows and wipe clean the moisture from the bottom of the window sashes and sills. In case, the seals between the panes are failing, repair them as soon as possible. Mold specialists recommend to regularly wipe windows clean to deprive mold of food.

5. Dishes

Stacking a few wet dishes leads to mold development, especially if those dishes are not used everyday. In these cases, run the moldy dishes through the dishwasher. Make sure they are completely dry when you store them. And lastly, wipe the cabinets with a vinegar-soaked rag.

6. Air Conditioners

Mold grows there, because air conditioning units trap dust and pollen, as well as grab moisture from the air. And if the AC is not run at least every 24 hours in warm weather, the humidity level increases and mold grows faster. If the mildew is placed in your central air conditioning unit, you’ll have to hire a mold remediation pro to clean out the system. However, if the infected area is in your AC unit, remove the front plate and clean the blower. Clean the drain with a solution of bleach and water in proportion 1:1.

Prevention is the best way to keep your AC mold free. Run it for about 10 minutes every day to keep the air circulating when it’s hot and humid outside. Regularly check the humidity level in your home. It should be above 55%.

In conclusion, mold appearance is a thread that shouldn't be ignored. Therefore, if you take the necessary steps on time, you will win the fight against mold from its the beginning.

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