Technical Support Tips to Fix “The Semaphore Timeout Period has Expired” Error

Windows PC users may face some common computer problems frequently such as compatibility with older programs, slow performance, and freezing. However, there are certain problems that rarely occur like blue screen error, black screen, and others. Basic users might operate the Windows PC easily, even if they have less technical knowledge. But, they might face trouble while diagnosing those uncommon computer problems without having technical knowledge. There are various resolutions available depending on the specific problem that the user faced. Read this article to understand these troubleshooting methods to resolve the “The Semaphore Timeout Period has Expired” error without taking help from a local PC support technician.

The Semaphore Timeout Period has Expired” is a critical Windows error message and it commonly occurs when there are issues with the network or network adapter on PC.

Causes of the Error

  • Virus attacks.
  • Malware attacks.
  • Unnecessary temporary files on hard disk.
  • Improper installation of the application.
  • Corruption of system files.

Resolution of the Error

Method One:

Safe Mode is a useful diagnostic mode of the Microsoft‘s Windows operating system.

Follow the below steps to start your PC in Safe Mode:

  • Start your PC.
  • Keep pressing the “F8” repeatedly.
  • Then, it appears ‘Recovery screen’ on your screen.
  • Select ‘Safe Mode’ using your keyboard.
  • Then, press ‘Enter.’
  • Now, your computer will boot in Safe Mode.

Method Two:

You can use ‘Hardware and Devices troubleshooter’ to check if the error is occurring due to the recently installed new device. It also checks common issues, and thus you make sure that a new device that is connected to your computer was installed properly.

Perform the given steps to open hardware and device troubleshooter:

  • Start the computer.
  • Click ‘start’ button.
  • Then, hit ‘control panel.’
  • And, type “Troubleshooter” in the search box.
  • Then, click ‘Troubleshooting.’
  • Now, hit ‘Configure a device’ in the ‘Hardware and Sound.’
  • Type ‘Administrator Password.'

Note: Your PC should remain connected to the Internet so that you can check for the updated troubleshooters from the Windows Online Troubleshooting Service.

Method Three:

Disk Cleanup is a useful PC maintenance utility to clean up disk space on a computer's hard drive. It removes unwanted temporary files and removes a variety of unwanted and unnecessary system files and other items.

Perform the given steps to delete files using Disk Cleanup:

  • Start the computer.
  • Click ‘start’ button.
  • Then, type ‘Disk Cleanup’ in the search box and select ‘Disk Cleanup.’
  • Now, go to ‘Drives list,’ and then click the hard drive that you want to clean.
  • And, hit ‘OK.’
  • Then, select the check boxes that you want to clean.
  • And, ‘OK.’
  • Now, click ‘Delete files.’

Method Four:

Perform the given steps to disable and re-enable USB controllers:

  • Start the computer.
  • Click ‘start’ button.
  • Press ‘Windows + R’ key and a run box will appear.
  • And, type ‘devmgmt.msc’ in the run box.
  • Then, hit ‘OK.’
  • Now, ‘Device Manager’ will appear.
  • Expand ‘Universal Serial Bus controllers.’
  • Then, right click the first USB controller, and hit ‘Uninstall.’
  • Follow the same steps mentioned above for each USB controller that is under ‘Universal Serial Bus controllers.’
  • Restart your PC.

Note: Once you restart the computer, Windows will automatically scan for hardware changes and reinstall all the USB controllers that you had uninstalled.


You might have learned some useful troubleshooting methods to resolve “The Semaphore Timeout Period has expired” error in this article. Your problems may get resolved after you apply the troubleshooting methods mentioned above. If the error persists, then it is recommended that you contact a technical support expert from a reputed PC support firm immediately to avoid further damages to your Windows PC.

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