Advance Troubleshooting Tips to Fix the Stop Error Code “0x00000050”

Blue screen errors are the most complex issues that users face with the Windows operating system. It is very difficult to find the exact cause of “0x00000050” blue screen error. Blue screen error is one of such errors that might pop on your computer screen due to hardware or software issue. If you are encountering the same error on your Windows screen, then read the article to know more about this error and learn the helpful tips to fix the problem.

Causes of the Problem 

Stop blue screen error code “0x00000050” might pop up on your computer screen due to numerous reasons. 

Following are the main causes of this error:

  • Invalid registry files may lead to the problem.
  • Windows will show you the error if the 'DLL files' are not incompatible.
  • You might face the problem if you update or install any new system security program.
  • Windows will show up the error if you are using faulty ‘RAM.’
  • Corrupt operating system files may lead to the error.
  • Overheating of your device components.
  • Viruses, malware, and spyware.

It is advisable to fix the blue screen error as soon as possible. Blue screen errors are critical errors that can lead serious problem to your computer. Your system might crash if you will not fix it properly. If you are good in computer troubleshooting, then you can fix the problem on your own with the help of below-mentioned steps. If you have any important business files or data on your machine like files, folders documents or pictures that you don’t want to lose then, you should contact computer repair firms for online tech support to fix the problem.


Troubleshoot Method One:

Windows might show you the error if you have installed or updated your security software. You can try to uninstall the security software on a temporary basis to fix the problem. If the problem got fixed, then you can call the vendor of your security software provider and get the resolution for the same. Follow the below-mentioned guidelines to uninstall the security software.

Start your machine in 'Safe Mode' with the help of below mention steps:

  1. Restart your machine.
  2. Tap ‘F8’ key continuously when the computer starts.
  3. A black screen will appear on the screen with some instructions like Windows advanced boot option or repair your computer.
  4. Highlight the ‘Safe Mode’ option with the help ‘Up and Down Arrow’ key from the keyboard.
  5. Hit the ‘Enter key.’
  6. Computer will start in ‘Safe Mode.’

Now continue with following steps to fix the error: 

  1. Uninstall the latest security software.
  2. Go to the 'Start button.'
  3. Then click ‘Control Panel.'
  4. Now click 'Programs.'
  5. Click on the 'Programs and Features.'
  6. Uninstall the security software that you have recently installed. 
  7. Now go to the start menu.
  8. Now you have to type ' Windows Update' in the search box.
  9. Press 'Enter.'
  10. Click 'Check for updates’ in the left pane.
  11. Now, wait as Windows will check for the latest updates for your machine.
  12. If updates are available, then you need to click on 'Install Updates.'
  13. Restart your device.

Check whether the problem has got fixed or not. If not then, it might possible that your system display driver is not updated. Now you need to install the latest display drivers.  Follow the troubleshooting method given below for the same.

Troubleshoot Method Two: Updating the Display Adapter Drivers

  1. Start your machine in 'Safe Mode.'
  2. In the search box type 'Devmgmt.msc.' 
  3. Press the 'Enter’ from the keyboard.
  4. 'Device manager' utility will appear on the screen, and you have to expand the display adapters section. 
  5. Then right-click on the listed device.
  6. Click on 'Uninstall.'
  7. Restart your computer again in 'Safe Mode.'
  8. Again go to 'Device Manager.’
  9. Now click on the 'Scan for hardware changes button.'
  10. Connect to your computer to the Internet.
  11. Download and install the latest display drivers from OEM's official website.
  12. Restart your computer after complete installation of display drivers.

Now, check and confirm whether the issue has got fixed or not. If the problem is still there then, it might be possible that your system ‘BIOS’ is not up to date, and you have to update your system ‘BIOS.” Updating ‘BIOS’ is a very difficult task, and it requiress advanced troubleshooting. If you are a new computer user and don’t know how to update ‘BIOS,’ then you can call online computer support companies for quick online tech support. 


“0x00000050” STOP blue screen error may occur due to multiple reasons, and it is a very difficult task to fix such a complex problem. If you are not able to fix the problem on your own, then you can fix it by seeking help from an experienced computer support engineer from reputed computer repair firm.

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