Learn the Right Way to Vacuum Your Shag Carpet

best vacuum for shag carpet
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Cleaning is a very important task in your home or office. When it comes to shag carpet cleaning or vacuuming, it is very important to pause and choose the right tools to get effectiveness and long lasting shag carpets. These rugs or carpets have a deep pile and a shaggy appearance. Just as other carpet types require genuine attention, every now and again so they are not harmed or transform into resembling a mat so does shag carpets.

Shag carpet is currently a top of the line in exotic interior designs. Shag rugs have existed for decades now and today they have revived and introduced the most delightful carpet styles available. Modern day shag carpets have lower pile tallness and higher pile thickness.

Vacuuming Your Shag Carpet

As regular vacuuming is needed for your shag to appear as new as when you bought it, the technique and mechanism to vacuuming your shag carpet cannot be overemphasized. The most ideal way to clean your shag carpet is to vacuum it with a suction vacuum. Here is the right and perfect way to vacuum your shag carpet.

1. Choose the right vacuum cleaner

The mistake most users or cleaners do is using regular upright vacuum cleaner to clean their shag carpet. Using regular vacuum cleaners will damage both your carpet and the vacuum cleaner. Therefore, the first step is getting the right vacuum cleaner for your shag carpet. Getting the right machine also involves getting the right machine setting.

2. Preliminary cleaning

This is the second and an important way to cleaning you shag carpet; it involves taking the shag carpet out on the line (or fence for those with weak line) for cleaning. The makes the work of the vacuum cleaner easier. It involves

3. Start vacuuming

Step 1:

Roll up the carpet, move it aside and clean the floor first. This saves you both energy and time. After cleaning the floor, return the carpet back.

Step 2:

Get any substantial bits of garbage or toys before you begin – bigger things can destroy your vacuum cleaner, so spend the first few minutes of your vacuuming grabbing anything that could be conceivably destructive. Never attempt to suction large chunk of debris!

Step 3:

Flip over the shag carpet with pile facing the floor. By doing this in the first place, you will have the capacity to remove soil and debris that is sticking inside the rug. Flipping over the shag carpet removes more dirt without pulling any fibers.

Step 4:

Move the vacuum cleaner all over the entire shag carpet gradually and graciously controlled from left to right. This enables the earth and clean to be released and sucked up. Move the vacuum over the mat from side to side. After you wrap up this progression, you ought to have vacuumed your way through the entire back of the Shag carpet.

Step 5:

Grab a side of the carpet and give it an energetic shake do it repeatedly for all corners. This will enable any left-finished particles to fall onto to the surface beneath.

Step 6:

Move the shag carpet again and clean the floor.

Step 7:

This is the final step in vacuuming your shag carpet. Here most of the soil and debris in your shag carpet would have been out but the journey does not end there. You still ne top use an upholstery brush to remove the remaining dirt without harming the pile.

How to Care for Your Shag Carpet

  1. The most important step in caring for your carpet is vacuuming it thoroughly and frequently, particularly in high-traffic areas. Lack of vacuuming allows dirt to heap causing potential damage to your shag carpet.
  2. Take your shag carpet for a sunbath. This helps loosen dirt.
  3. You should regularly use dry shampoo to clean you shag carpet. 
  4. Handle spills immediately. Immediately you have spills on your shag carpet, clean it thoroughly.
  5. Get help from a professional!

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