Jason Walter

Jason Walter is an aspiring blogger and a keen writer and currently works for Concept Beans. An avid reader and researcher, Jason devote most of his time with quality writings. 

Articles from this author

Outdoor playground equipment

Owning or managing an apartment complex can be challenging all the things that you have on your plate to keep the complex profitable. Keeping tenants, making sure the amenities draw people in and kept in well maintained.

unstructured play

Unstructured free time is an integral part of childhood. Schools are shortening recess time or taking it away altogether and replacing it with more structured activities, thus taking away a big part of their unstructured free playtime. That alone is ruining the ability of children to creatively play, run, jump and exercise, and explore.

children playing

Can you guess what future holds for your kids? Have you realized how time is changing and how can you make your kids strong enough to cope with it? You never know what challenges your kids are going to face in their lives and you might not be around during their bad times. 

What Makes Public Parks Important?

Public parks serve a variety of purposes for different age groups. They give adults a social place to hang out and exercise and provide a playground for children. If I talk about my personal experience, I have spent a good amount of time in the public parks.