How IoT Has Affected The Electric Power Transmission Industry

power transmission and distribution

The human species has evolved no less than a hundred times quicker in the last five thousand years than during any other period in the entirety of human evolution. Right from the first industrial revolution which occurred over 11000 years ever since the first known inception of mankind, to the advent of urbanization and globalization, to the next big Internet revolution which came 150 years later, we’ve seen it all. Nowadays, we’re living in the age of IoT (Internet of Things) which has taken the entire world by storm for the past 2 decades, touching almost every single domain along the way. And the electric power transmission industry is no different!

IoT As A Whole

IoT is by and large emerged as the next big thing over 2 decades ago with an impressive promise which led many technology aficionados to believe that this will take over the 21st century. And look where we are now! In many ways, it is the absolute extension of the wide world of the Internet right back into the physical world that we know of. Making good use of data, sensors, devices, and the advent of connectivity, it forges a huge mesh of entities that are capable enough to communicate, interact, and take actions based on sheer intelligence. Ever since then, IoT has touched numerous verticals across the globe like architecture, design, technology, e-commerce, and even low-profile names like the electric power transmission industry.

Need For IoT

The electric power transmission industry as most of you know is one of the largest energy guzzlers out there. Accounting for a not-so-shy percentage of universal greenhouse gas emissions, the signs for our future generations aren’t too bright. Ergo, consistent and honest efforts, and measures need to be undertaken to make this electric power transmission industry an environment-friendly one. The efforts need not just focus on earth-friendly initiatives but need to give due attention to spreading awareness as to how the home makers can reduce their daily energy needs in turn decreasing the overall carbon footprint. This is where IoT enters the fray as it directly impacts the industry as a whole for the better.

Where Does The Problem Lie?

If you’re still wondering where the problem lies, here are just some of the major factors that are just crying out for IoT’s intervention for smoother functioning:

• In a country like India, 70% of the entire population has inhabited rural areas that are devoid of any electricity access.
• Lack of awareness when it comes to energy efficiency methods, need for sustainability, global warming, and more.
• Because there is an incessant lack of access to energy-efficient modern fuels, people dwelling in rural areas are forced to make use of biomass, kerosene, and other fossil fuels, which is slowly but surely causing a massive depletion.
• Ever-increasing pollution and carbon footprint.

Why Is IoT A Plausible Solution?

•    It directly helps to forge a consolidated energy management system giving the entire regime and process a structure to fall back on and run by.
•    IoT can make the power and electricity grids a whole lot smarter through modern meter-based systems resulting in lower emissions
•    Energy consumption can be strictly analyzed, managed, and monitored. This way the concerned authorities can indulge in dynamic problem-solving with minimal damage
•    IoT can definitely help in matters of early energy waste detection
•    It will induce a system that includes real-time alerts, periodical notifications, accurate and predictive analysis along with astute reports based on the energy consumption patterns, current, voltage, and PF fluctuations.

The fact that the Indian Government has now recognized the underlying importance of IoT is good news for everybody!

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