How to Improve Your Coworking Space?

Coworking Space
  • Choose flexible and collaborative spaces

First of all, you have to be interested in what coworkers are looking for and understand what they expect from a coworking space. They come looking for a work environment that is fun and flexible.

  • Choose your desks and chairs wisely

There are rules you need to follow to keep your members comfortable. The heights of tables and chairs must meet the standards. Too short a table is not a good idea, even if it looks good. Desks with adjustable heights are a great option.

  • Create different zones according to needs

They also expect a collaborative space where they can meet new people. To this end, coworking must have open and shared spaces to encourage employees to communicate with each other. Offering more lively spaces will also help to enhance the value of your coworking space.

A cafeteria, a games room, a relaxation lounge allow you to meet people and encourage useful conversation and interaction. Providing different spaces according to the needs of the day increases productivity and efficiency. Coworking areas should be the center of human interaction where there is a pleasant and calm atmosphere.

  • A decoration that conveys values

The decoration of your space is very important. In addition to beautifying the site, it has a direct impact on the well-being of the community. When you enter the place, of course, the first thing you see is the decoration. In a coworking area, it’s the same thing. If the decor is neat then you will likely feel like working there. Hence, decorations are a way to enhance your co-working space to attract future enthusiasts.

  • Specialize to differentiate your coworking space

Therefore, it was designed and designed in such a way that they could work with them in the space they had reserved. Places that should make it easier for young people to access the business world. Young people meet entrepreneurs and project managers and thereby promote their appetite for innovation.

  • Provide Healthy Snacks

Snacking in break hour can boost you up. So it's always a good choice to offer options that are tasty, healthy, but less wasteful. Fruits, nuts, salads, raisins, smoothies, tea, coffee, and sugar-free cookies are always best for them and have proved to catalyze their working process, creativity, interaction, and communication with each other. Because you never know what could turn out a golden idea on a coffee table.

  • Providing quality services

The idea is not to offer as many services as possible, but rather useful services that meet the needs of coworkers. If you want to offer a service to your community, you need to use tools to make sure they work well. The larger your community, the more difficult it will be to manage service reservations. A management tool will facilitate the daily life of co-workers but also the work of coworking space managers.

In conclusion, Regardless of how you decide to improve your coworking space, it needs to convey strong values ​​and create a positive experience. You must make it an inspiring place where different profiles meet to work and exchange.

History of Coworking Space

The workspace is constantly changing. Companies around the world are constantly working to improve the spaces in which we work and the way we interact with them. Coworking has become one of the biggest innovations in the office landscape in recent years.  

The history of coworking started in 2005 and has grown dramatically since then. Software engineer Brad Neuberg is known for starting the phenomenon of co-working from collective spaces in San Francisco.

Coworking VS Serviced Office

Coworking is the new kid on the block when it comes to office work. Coworking offers flexible workspaces for freelancers, entrepreneurs, start-ups, and small businesses.

Coworking Services:

  • Open desks
  • Dedicated desks
  • Dedicated offices
  • Bookable meeting and board rooms
  • Shared room (e.g. kitchens, lounges, relaxation area)
  • Event spaces
  • Community managers are available to assist with troubleshooting issues

A serviced office is an office space that is rented by a facility management company. You can also hear serviced office spaces called managed offices, executive offices, or business centers.

Serviced Office Amenities:

  • Phone, internet, utilities       
  • Managed reception services and administrative support
  • A conference hall or common room
  • Maintenance and cleaning
  • Security services
  • Mail services
  • Shared office equipment (e.g. fax, AV equipment, copiers, etc.)

When comparing the two main types of flexible office space, there are three main components to consider:

1. The WorkSpace:

Coworking Space: Coworking Space usually has an open concept floor plan that makes it easy to collaborate and share facilities. They have a more lifestyle feel, some with features and amenities such as pool tables, bars, and even bedrooms. You can choose to rent at the table by selecting "hot desk" or "dedicated desk ", or you can rent the entire apartment for your whole team.

Serviced offices: Most Serviced Offices are more separate than your average co-working space. These spaces are usually divided into separate cubicle-style desks or offices and private offices for individuals or teams. They also have some common facilities like meeting rooms, boardrooms, and pantry areas.

2. The Design 

Co-working spaces usually have a calmer and more relaxed atmosphere. As noted above, they are usually designed to work together in an open style. The designs vary from space to space, but you can expect the furnishings to be modern and creatively inspired, each with its own twist depending on community identity.

Serviced offices have more of a corporate/professional look. The moods and colors are much more restrictive than co-working spaces, and the designs aren't designed for collaboration. This may be good for some people because it can allow for more independent, calmer head operations.

3. The Culture

Coworking Spaces: Typically populated by startups and freelancers, the culture of many coworking spaces exudes an entrepreneurial spirit. You can also host regular events such as weekly community dinners or online drinks. It's important to note that coworking comes in all shapes and forms, and some spaces are better suited than others for specific businesses or industries.

Serviced offices are managed by companies of any size - from one to two-man teams to teams of 20 or more. Companies very often use this space for short-term projects or for moving offices or renovations. Unlike coworking spaces, there is no separate culture supported by managers or community members. 

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