Getting the Most from Replacement Windows

replacement windows

There are a number of different types of glass on the market, thanks to the new glass technologies that are entering the market. Simply put, glass is not just glass anymore, it has become an aspect of your house that can considerably improve your living environment.

Developments in the glass industry mean that now you can get replacement windows that offer features such as:

Self-Cleaning – Glass that uses sunlight and rain to self-clean, meaning that you won’t waste precious time and money trying to clean hard-to-reach windows. Self-cleaning glass literally maintains itself!

Solar Control – Adding a solar control feature to your replacement windows means that the glass will manage the amount of sunlight that enters a room through the window so that the temperature doesn’t get too hot. This is a particularly useful feature for skylight windows.

Thermal Insulation – Glass is a good conductor of heat, so the warmth in your house often literally goes straight out the window. Windows with thermal insulation limit the warmth that escapes through the glass on cold days.

Noise Control – Ensure that you block out unnecessary outside sounds with a noise control feature. This is ideal for people who live near busy roads or in vibrant areas and seek to create a more tranquil setting within their home.

Extra Strength – There are a number of types of glass that are strengthened thanks to a film or the process in which they were created that toughens glass. Perfect for areas prone to accidents or vandalism – and far more attractive than burglar bars!

Fire Protection – Fire-resistant glass will prepare you and help to control the damage in the event of the fire. Just ensure that the glass you choose for your replacement windows does reach adequate safety standards.

Decoration – Things have come a long way since the basic option of ‘regular or sandblasted’ Now you can get a variety of textures and patterns that will turn your windows into a feature that will add character to your home.

What’s more, you can often combine these features together to create a custom window that suits your needs perfectly, thereby allowing you to get the most from your new windows.

Installing the Windows                      

The first thing to do is decide on what type of windows you would like to install. It is very important that they fit in with the style of the house and don’t create an eyesore.

You also have a choice of the kind of material you would like for your window frames; metal, wooden or composite frames. PVC-U or aluminum frames require next to no maintenance. Timber frames are traditional and homely yet require the most attention. Composite (like fiberglass) offer many of the aesthetic advantages of timber, but they are more durable.

Before you commit to fitting new the windows, ensure that you hire an experienced fitter. Hiring a fitter based on the cost of the service alone may lead to shoddy workmanship that will end up costing you far more money and time than you had initially budgeted for. Find out what their credentials are and maybe ask them for some references or check tradesman reviews. It never hurts to be on the safe side!

If you are looking to fit the windows yourself, don’t take on the task lightly. Whilst DIY installation of windows obviously cuts out the cost of labour, it is not a project for novices. If you aren’t comfortable doing basic home alterations, it might be best to leave your replacement windows in the hands of professional window fitters.

When it comes to your windows, make choices that best suit you. Assess each room’s individual needs and decide on which glass features will make them more comfortable. It’s your home, so it’s all about making your glass work for you.

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