Fibromyalgia – An Overview


Fibromyalgia literally means immensely painful muscles. Fibromyalgia is a complicated long-term medical condition which is not characterized by a specific cause and its proper Fibromyalgia Cure is yet to be found. It can’t be referred to as a specific disorder. It is rather a syndrome which is a collection of symptoms that appear in the form of muscular pain, fatigue, tenderness, and affected mood and sleep.

There is no specific age for an occurrence of this condition and 75-90 percent sufferers are women. For the person suffering from this condition, there is a psychological strain. One out of 50 Americans has fibromyalgia-like symptoms, though the condition due to which these symptoms appear is not explicit.

1. Causes of fibromyalgia

The exact causes of this medical condition are not yet known, but doctors and researchers link it with anxiety, physical and/or mental trauma, and sleep disturbance. The genetic component is also considered a vital factor and one of the causes of this condition because of its tendency to run in families.

2. The intensity of fibromyalgia symptoms

Fibromyalgia symptoms such as dull ache or a burning, stabbing pain are specifically individualized. The symptoms can extremely vary showing rapid signs of improvement or deterioration, based on a range of factors such as activity or stress levels. A patient may sometimes feel completely drained of energy and experiences excess fatigue.

3. Dealing with fibromyalgia symptoms

As discussed in the previous paragraph, typical fibromyalgia symptoms are chronic pain, fatigue, and psychological strain of fibromyalgia and these symptoms are prominent. Though no exact fibromyalgia Cure is available, yet the symptoms of this medical condition are manageable or better say, treatable. The experts have a varied opinion in this regard, but many believe that a multifaceted approach is more helpful. The combination of medication and appropriate changes in lifestyle help to eliminate fibromyalgia symptoms in a better manner. The alternative treatments are also more helpful compared to the conventional treatment method. What a patient needs a tailored treatment by working regularly with a doctor, physical therapist and others who can help to combat with symptoms of this condition. This wouldn’t be a fibromyalgia Cure, but a person will get optimal relief.

4. Fibromyalgia diagnosis

Fibromyalgia, according to international criteria, is mainly characterized by regular chronic widespread pain all over the body for three months. This pain causes discomfort every day. The other symptoms are increased sensitivity to pain, amnesia and sleep disorder. These symptoms help to potentially diagnose fibromyalgia.

The fibromyalgia-like symptoms coincide with rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or other serious diseases. A doctor usually confirms the occurrence of any specific medical condition by taking a blood sample and conducting a blood test of the patient because there’s no other way of diagnosis. It is a time-taking process but there’s no choice for a patient except to remain in limbo. The researchers have yet to find the factors responsible for causing this pain.

5. Fibromyalgia remedies

There is no exact permanent fibromyalgia Cure as yet, but some FDA-approved medications such as Cymbalta (duloxetine), Lyrica (pregabalin), Savella (milnacipran), and Tricyclic antidepressants have been recommended for its effective treatment. Physical therapy and alternative medicines can help better to alleviate symptoms.

Natural remedies such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) which is a natural amino acid, S-Adenosyl methionine (SAMe) is a molecule that our body produces naturally, Tai chi, and manual lymph drainage therapy can all work as natural treatment methods.


A person suffering from fibromyalgia must keep their hope of fibromyalgia Cure positive because researchers are making great efforts to find a suitable treatment. Your own efforts to combat with the seriousness of fibromyalgia can do a great job.

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