Essential Features of a Robust Call Center Software to Increase Efficiency & Delight Customers

Call Center Software

Business firms across the world try to beat competition by enhancing customer support. Integrating a feature-packed call center software serves as an effective measure. With media platforms like email, chat, phone calls and text being conglomerated in the digitized environment, it is important to have an efficient contact center software. Apart from enhancing efficiency practically, this kind of software proves to be economical as well. Business firms can enjoy an edge over their competitors, with this kind of call management software around.

Here are certain essential features, that you should be having in your call center software:

Maintaining caller profiles: With this feature, you will have an organized profile of your existing customers. The team needs to create accounts, based on phone calls. Besides, you need to reach out to your existing customers, while tapping new leads. A robust call center software organizes the data of callers, under various heads like client ratings, country, payment, name, and comments. This helps business houses evaluate the profile of their clients and readily get access to data.

Call management: The popular call management features in a software include:

  • Recording calls: Most of the call centers have this mechanism, through which they can record the conversation with the clients. This helps in maintaining the quality of calls. Besides, it may help in resolving issues that may crop up in future.
  • Call routing: This feature helps to determine the person who is calling. It also determines where the call should be routed. Automating this process, based on caller identity information can ease up the experience. An intelligent call center software can determine the personnel ready to receive the upcoming call, and show who is presently on a call. You can also know regarding what a conversation is going on.
  • Call queues: The call queue feature ensures that if a customer finds the line busy, he or she does not hang up. The agents get organized into queues, according to the specified logic. In the process, the callers get routed into the queues, that are efficient in responding to their needs.
  • Recommendation: At times, the call might get disconnected, when a conversation is going on. In these cases, an automatic routing ensures that the caller can get back to the agent who was initially assisting the person. In case the agent is busy on a different call, the caller will get a priority with minimized waiting time.


Analytics and metrics enable the supervisors of call centers to gain valuable insights into the performance of the team. They can get a better idea about the average duration of call, waiting time, rate of call abandonment, service levels and the competitiveness of the agent. Besides, analytics help in customizing reports with graphs and charts. This enables the supervisors to visualize data and shape their strategy accordingly.

CRM integration

A call center software can be powered by CRM integration. This makes it compatible with third-party apps. In the process, it can secure the information of client and callers. Besides, it can analyze and process customer data and bolster the relation between companies and clients. It also makes sure that the call center agents have adequate information at their disposal, to satisfy callers.

Notifications and voicemails

At times, the agents may not be available. In these situations, the callers can leave voicemails and notifications. The messages get transcribed through advanced systems, eventually reaching the company. These messages can also be emailed to the agents.

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)

This mechanism routes the calls intelligently to the best agent, based on certain criteria like demographics, knowledge, or language. Human involvement is not necessary in the process to monitor the performance. The information gathering process is fully automated. This saves a lot of time and makes the operation smarter.

Interactive Voice Responses (IVR)

Before a caller can connect to an agent, an IVR takes over the conversation. For instance, the callers receive the same kind of greetings and initiate the conversation with an automated voice assisting from the other end. This voice may prompt the menu or provide other necessary instruction to the caller. This is one of the basic features of a call center software.

Bottom line

A feature-packed call center software can streamline your business. While collaborating with the software developers, make sure to convey your requirements to them. The reputed developers also customize their call center software, according to their clients’ requirements.

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