Essence of Staff in corporate event management

Ever wondered, what is the most important thing that makes sure that the proposed event goes on as smoothly as desired? It is the staff that is deployed with their own set of responsibilities. The type of staff deputed can turn your event into a sweet dream to remember or a nightmare that you will not be able to forget for a long time. Despite investing heavily into venue, decor, food etc, it ultimately drills down to the people who perform their duties in front of the attendees.

Staffing in event planning is a huge project in itself. The number of staff to be employed depends on the type of the event being conducted. Few are permanent staff of the event management company but few are hired on temporary basis. This totally depend on the number of guests anticipated, the place where it is being conducted and of course the event type organised.

Staffing for event includes individuals like drivers, information desk assistants, food servers, parking attendants, etc. Some additional staff may be required for setting up the tables, making seating-arrangements, decorating or assisting the team of decorators. Some staffs are to manage the positions and directions of other staff if the event is organized at a big place and some at the gate to welcome the guests. If the event involves the ticket sales, extra staff for monitoring the cash generated through sales of tickets. Staff at different booths, help in attending nurseries, assisting the guests’ speakers to perform.

If the event management company has arrangements with caterers they might not require much of staffing but if the catering services are also a part of their contract then this might require lot of staffing right from the cook to the servers everybody. For smallest of arrangements a company needs employees to handle their respective services with great effectiveness.

At times if the company has something different or out of the way to show, they require extra team for that. Stage performers have entirely separate team like for magicians, for dance performances, for musicians etc. but a group of people are needed to manage the stage events apart from other arrangements.

Staffing for an event is as diverse as the event itself and requires lot of multiple tasking too. Each staff hired or permanent need to know the entire layout of the event, the food / drinks arrangement counters, emergency exits, etc. Any guest may ask for anything at the event and it becomes important for each staff to know about it. At times the company may fill in their employees as volunteers.

The roles of staff rely on the event and the variety of services needed to provide a pleasant experience for attendees. How good the event could be is all dependent on the service web arranged by the event company. It's not an easy task to arrange everything smoothly unless a professional team of event organizers are looped in.

Adequate staffing is very important to have a successful event. To handle all the details from arriving of the guests to after party clean ups, proper staffing will help reduce the problems caused by lack of adequate personnel.

In event management, there are many services involved for which few vendors are contracted in order to provide services such as caterers, furniture rental, decorators & florists, etc.. In addition to that the venue being rented for the event also has designated executives to help and also oversee the entire operations. Though they might not participate deeply but yes they help at certain level of supervision of the entire event. They are also very good in providing certain directions since their venue holds so many different events on regular basis throughout the year. Some of these executives come as a part of standard contract for hiring venues and at time they come at additional costs which are optional anyways. 

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