Do Not Miss Those 9 Things When Cleaning Your Windows


Maintaining your domestic windows clean sounds like an easy task, but it definitely isn't. It requires a great amount of effort on your part and much of your free time. It is, usually, a task that is completed during the warmer seasons. It may take a whole day, especially if your property is larger than an average-sized house.

In order to perform window cleaning without the help of a professional contractor, you will need to carefully plan the entire process in advance. Here is a short check-list of some of the main things that you need to take care of before you begin working:

1. All window cleaning companies recommend that you use professional tools in order to achieve the sparkling results that you are going for. Using the right tools as squeegees, window-washing soap, and high-quality applicators will take you one step closer to the desired results, no matter how experienced you are in cleaning.

2. A clean scrubber (preferably a new one). It is a good idea to change it before performing any major annual cleaning. For smaller weekly window cleaning projects you won’t need to buy new ones every time. If you don’t want to use a scrubber, you can always work with a lamb wool applicator, porcupine cleaner, or a sponge instead. Always keep in mind that a dirty applicator can leave dirt behind.

3. Avoid washing your windows during extremely hot days. Direct sunlight can superheat the glass and cause all sorts of streaking problems. Of course, you should also avoid rainy days. So, keeping the weather forecast in mind when thinking about your spring cleaning plan is definitely a good idea.

4. Read more about some popular techniques for holding the squeegee. You’d better hold it at an angle that won’t allow water to run down the glass. It is a good idea to mimic the motion or setting off a snow plough.

5. Make sure that you wipe the rubber blade after each squeegee stroke. For this purpose, specialists recommend that you use a lint-free cloth. If you place a wet squeegee directly on the glass of the window that you are cleaning, it may leave a mark.

6. When you clean your windows, you need to be extra cautious in order to avoid potential damage and streaks. Glass surfaces can be damaged much easier than any wooden or plastic ones. Razors are usually the most dangerous cleaning tools, so you’d better not risk with them unless you are absolutely confident in your cleaning skills.

7. For minor cleaning tasks, you can use any type of detergent, but if some heavy-duty window cleaning has to be done, you’d better visit a local home improvement store and get some speciality window cleaning solutions for guaranteed results.

8. If the exterior of your windows cannot be easily reached, especially if you are not living on the first floor, you’d better turn to a specialist who has extendible squeegees, high ladders, or climbing and protection equipment for that purpose. You’d better not do any climbing on your own if you are inexperienced, as you may easily harm yourself. Your safety should always be a bigger priority than a clean window. Accidents related to home cleaning are quite common, so don’t neglect your safety.

9. If you create an annual window cleaning schedule and you wash your windows once every 3 months, it will be much easier for you to achieve good results. Regular cleaning will not require as much time as cleaning once a year when different types of dry dirt and dust is accumulated over them.

Sticking to this list will guarantee you that you won’t forget even a single important step related to window cleaning.

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