Discover 10 Inspirational Motivation Tips For Cleaning

Let’s face it ... cleaning is among the most annoying tasks you have to face on a regular basis. It really doesn’t matter what do you have to clean because it's equally aggravating to wash the dishes or vacuum the carpet ... at least for me. Even making the bed might seem as a tough job some mornings. But remember, cleaning can be the first step towards a bigger change in your life. That’s why I have developed a magic list of tips for helping you declutter and clean with style.

#1. Come Up With an Idea of The Perfect Home

There’re numerous ideas out there on how to upgrade your home. Buy some magazines for home renovation & decorating and gather some tips for your next home project. You never know where inspiration might come from. I bet there is no clutter in that imaginary home of your dreams. If you need space for your ideas to happen, start decluttering!

#2. Mornings Are For Cleaning

The best time for cleaning is in the morning, while you’re still fresh. You will never start cleaning in 4PM, right? Moreover, if you have done the hardest job for the day first thing in the morning, you can enjoy the rest of the day unbothered. If you can't motivate yourself to clean early, you can always pick up the phone and call a house cleaning company to do this for you. I do that every time when my house in Melbourne need to be cleaned perfectly and when I'm too tired and don't feel like cleaning.

#3. Routine

Make a list with all the chores that you need to cover so you don’t miss anything. Believe me, realizing that the house needs to be dusted shortly after you have vacuumed is such a fail. Don’t forget to take out the trash after you have finished.

#4. Dress Up

That’s right, wearing your PJ’s is not a good idea. Wearing the right clothes is essential because ruing your casual outfit is not cool. Not to mention if drops of bleach fall on your clothes.

#5. Choosing The Right Products

For a thorough sanitisation of your home you need the best products, as in any other activity. Check your local supermarket to see if there are any eco-friendly detergents. It's much safer for your family and pets to use such products.

6. Your Trash is Another Person’s Treasure

Once you have decided to get rid of a lot of stuff, try to decide whether you want to trash them for good or you can let the kids organise a garage sale and earn some cash. Тhe most generous thing would be to donate all the furniture and make a good deed.

#7. Set a Deadline

Try to motivate yourself with an outside factor - like inviting friends over for dinner. That way you will have a serious reason to put everything in order for the evening. Or, you can make up a rule: “Every Monday the house is going to greet the new week, spotless and shiny.” That means that you have 6 days to see to it. To be honest, probably most of you won’t clean unless they have people coming over. That’s just sad ...

#8. Music

Oh, yeah ... We all can say that this is our favourite part of the cleaning session. Just play your favourite music really loud and forget about your worries. Tip: Check if the neighbours are not watching your “one-man show” through the window. Also, turn off the TV and computer so your focus is solely on the task at hand.

#9. Get Help

It’s always nice to have someone helping you at home. Make cleaning a fun activity, that way you can have the kids or your husband involved. Give them the lighter chores like: dusting, picking up the toys, making the beds, etc.

#10. Reward Yourself

Promise yourself something after you done with the cleaning. Take your family out for dinner or buy a new book as a reward for dealing with the hard job. You know what? Buy a jar of Nutella and eat it yourself without any regrets.

Thorough Cleaning for Clear Thoughts

It’s a fact that you won’t declutter until you have a clear vision of the life you want. In other words, our surrounding world is a reflection of our inner one. Can you imagine what mess will you create at the end of you lease? This could be quite stressful for both you and your landlord. So, if you feel helpless, busy and stressed, you can always ask for professional help.

Sitting there and not approving anything in your house is not going to do you any good. Get rid of anything that you think is not beautiful or useful. Make the change step by step, start with the little things like: bed sheets, table cloths, etc. and swiftly move to the upholstery, furniture, etc. Have colour and design consultancy with professionals for a new layout of your home. Also, internet is full of ideas from experts for refreshing your home without spending a fortune on materials. Make a research about the best ideas for your home and start creating.

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