Cloud Technologies: How They Help Address Challenges in Healthcare

Cloud Technologies: How They Help Address Challenges in Healthcare

Unlike what some may believe, the world of healthcare depends on technology and innovations far more than we could imagine. I have witnessed over the past several years that many hospitals and health systems have embraced the cloud. It was mostly to run critical applications, online aggregation of vast amounts of clinical data. This is fundamentally changing the way health systems communicate today with patients and their families.

You would agree all healthcare organizations are particularly susceptible to data breaches and security risks. The hybrid cloud is a key enabler of transformation along their journey – it means the identification of IT solutions ranging from HCI-powered private clouds to finding ways to effectively bridge private and public cloud environments. All of this while keeping the cost input of security and cost factors in mind.

From enabling the provision of healthcare to remotely located patients to round the clock monitoring of patients’ stats via wearable devices and other such solutions — technology has enabled all this and more. However, there is a new name that is gaining impressive traction in the healthcare sector — cloud computing, thanks to its many, many benefits. Don’t believe it? Well, here are some of the key ways in which cloud computing helps healthcare with its issues. 
    1. Data security: It may seem redundant to say, but the truth is that healthcare businesses have access to an abundance of patient data, which in turn is highly valuable and sensitive. Thus, data security is of paramount importance in the healthcare business and cloud computing can help with that via the provision of highly secure data storage systems.
    2. Data access for users: One of the key points of data storage is to also ensure there is accessibility and not just for doctors. So, how does one go about providing users’ secure access to their healthcare data? Via cloud computing, of course, for it ensures only authorized persons can access said data whenever they want, from wherever they may be. This serves the purpose of keeping patients informed about their care and treatment plans. Plus, should they need to consult with another specialist or get a second opinion, such access to their healthcare data is understandably important.
    3. Long-term preservation: Given that cloud computing services can be availed for as long as needed, for a fee obviously, preserving data, i.e. long-term storage of data is not a problem. As long as you have a subscription set up, healthcare companies can safely stow their data in the cloud for decades and decades.
    4. Data traceability: Since data integrity is a significant concern in the highly digital lives that we lead today, data traceability has been rendered more important than ever. Plus, it is a foundational element of the validity of any data, especially in the healthcare sector, where it can be eventually put to work for research and development of life-saving drugs and treatments. Modern-day cloud computing service providers offer plenty of provisions in that regard to ensure traceability at a granular level.
    5. Data reversibility: Essentially an undo button for the cloud, data reversibility allows healthcare companies to either completely roll back or make changes to established projects, workload deployments, etc. Once again, the newer crop of cloud service providers offers this option to ensure projects, workloads, or environments can be maintained and cause no disruptions for the end-users.

As you can see, there are plenty of challenges the healthcare industry must contend with daily. And not just the ones listed above; there are countless other challenges in regards to IT systems that this sector has to struggle with, including exchange of data, maintenance of infrastructure, etc. Thankfully, all of them are easily addressed with cloud computing. You see the advantages of cloud computing in healthcare and other such technologies are primed to tend to these issues and also empower the sector to achieve better results. This is why it comes so highly recommended.

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