Best Tips To Prevent Mould Growth On Your Tiles

Best Tips To Prevent Mould Growth On Your Tiles

Mould growth not only makes your tiled surface look dirty but they also are responsible for causing health issues in the home.  Such developments should be treated as soon they appear on your tiles. You must always be cautious about any signs of mould forming inside your house, especially in the bathroom or kitchen areas. However, you can also take some preventive measures to restrict mould growth on your tile and grouts.

1. Keep doors and windows open for as long as possible to ensure proper airflow within the home:

  • Let the bathroom window stay open for at least 15 minutes after you turn the shower off, so that excess moisture can move out of the room rather than condense on the walls and tiles;
  • Leave the shower door open when the shower is not in use;
  • Keep the kitchen windows open while cooking to allow the steam to escape;
  • Ventilate the laundry room, basement, and attic as often as possible;

2. Run the exhaust fan in the bathroom for about 20 minutes after showering to draw the moisture out of the room;

3. Wipe down the shower walls and shower floor after bathing – you can use a squeegee, a hand towel, or a washcloth to do bathroom tile mould removal (the latter is particularly good at getting to the tile grout and in the corners where mould tends to appear first);

4. Use shower curtains and liners that are easy to clean, so that you can keep them in pristine condition all the time. Remember to shake the worst of the water off the curtain after taking a shower and to leave it partially drawn so that it can dry faster (but doesn’t impede air circulation within the bathroom);

5. Hang your bath towels to dry after using them – if you leave them wet in the bathroom, they’ll contribute to the humidity in the room;

6. Spray the tiles and caulking in your bathroom with a mould-prohibiting solution at least once in a week. All you need to do is mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle (or add 10 drops of tea tree oil to a spray bottle filled with water) and you’ll get a natural anti-mould solution that will protect your bathroom against the fungi or get tile and grout cleaning from Marks Tile Grout Cleaning, who offers professional tile mould removal services.

7. Keep the tiles clean. Regular scrubbing of tile and grout cleaning is the best way to minimize the chance of mould growth in the grout and ensure tile mould removal. Unless frequently cleaned, the tile surface can become coated in a fine layer of soap-scum over time. It builds up and creates a porous deposit which provides the ideal breeding ground for mould

8. Fix leaky faucets and showerheads to remove the source of excess moisture in your bathroom and kitchen; sealing it in order to prevent bacteria and damage from happening and providing a durable coating to help your tiles last and look fantastic for many years to come.

9. Seal the grout. Apply a coat or two of a silicon-based grout sealer to dry grout. It will significantly reduce the speed at which moisture can penetrate the porous grout so that it gets less wet and dries much faster. Besides, the durable antimicrobial technology incorporated in the sealant will provide a good barrier against all kinds of microbes, including mould;

10. Use mold-resistant paint and grout that contains anti-fungal additives when repainting your when repainting your kitchen or bathroom and installing new tiles.

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