The 7 Biggest Technology Trends In 2020

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The speed with which advances in technology are moving is faster than ever. We are now in the midst of the fourth Industrial Revolution, and companies and individuals have to keep up to remain relevant. 

Technology is changing by the day, and the change is affecting our lifestyle in equal measure. All aspects of our day to day lives have been affected, including sports, health, food, and education. Online transactions are becoming the norm with digital currencies like cryptocurrency slowly making their way into our lives. The health industry has also been positively affected by diagnosis and treatment, becoming more accurate.

Without an understanding of the key trends in technology, individuals and companies will not be able to prepare and seize opportunities properly. 

In this article, we discuss the seven most imminent trends that you should prepare for in 2020.



One of the most transformative technological advancements of our times is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Companies all over the world are harnessing the power of AI to enhance their customer experience and restructure their business processes. 

In 2020, most people will become more used to working together with AI. Designing and deploying your own AI-based systems will remain expensive; therefore, companies will rely on providers of AI-as-a-service platforms.

These platforms allow companies to feed their own data and pay for algorithms as they use them.


5G Data Networks

Another technology to look out for in 2020 is the fifth generation of mobile internet connectivity. The network is synonymous with super-fast download and upload speeds and more stable connections. 

Although the 5G network became available in 2019, they were expensive and restricted to functioning in confined areas. But, in 2020, the 5G network is expected to start to spread out. 

The spread will be facilitated by more reasonably priced data plans and much-improved coverage. Increased network speeds will make it easy for users to stream movies and music. Also, the Internet of Things and smart machinery areas will advance.


Autonomous Driving

Even though we might not exactly see autonomous vehicles in 2020, they will continue to generate a considerable amount of excitement. We expect to see a fully autonomous vehicle this year as well as a number of cars with the ability to operate with a lesser degree of autonomy like automated braking and changing lanes. 

Additionally, 2020 will also see other in-car systems that are not directly linked to driving, such as security and entertainment, become more automated. They will also be reliant on data capture and analytics. 

The technology will also be seen in trucking and shipping. Regulations and legislations will also accompany these technologies. The infrastructure will also be affected.


Personalized and predictive medicine

Technological advances have greatly transformed the healthcare system. Wearable devices like smartwatches have made it easy to capture data; hence it is easy to predict and treat health issues.

There will also be a more personalized approach to treatment, which is also known as a precision treatment. Doctors will be able to apply medicines and treatment more precisely due to a data-driven understanding of the effectiveness of the treatment to an individual. 

In 2020 we are likely to see new predictive healthcare applications and the introduction of more personalized and effective treatments.


Computer Vision

Vision in computing terms refers to systems that can identify items, places, or people from visual images. This is the technology that allows your smartphone camera to determine which part of the image it is capturing. 

In 2020, we are likely to see more tools equipped with computer vision. For example, in autonomous cars, it will be exciting to see how they navigate their way around danger. Computer Vision will also be used in production lines to check for defective products and equipment failures. 

As the use of computer vision grows in 2020, there will also be increased debate on how to limit its use so as not to infringe on privacy.


Extended Reality

Extended reality (XR) refers to technologies like virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. Virtual reality (VR) offers an entirely digitally immersive experience where you access a computer-generated world using headsets that blend out the real world.

Augmented reality (AR), on the other hand, superimposes digital objects onto the real world through smartphone screens. On the other hand, Mixed reality (MR) is an extension of AR. Here you can interact with digital objects placed in the real world. 

Although the technologies have been around, in 2020, businesses are expected to make use of the possibilities offered by XR.


Blockchain Technology 

Blockchain is a digital ledger used to record transactions that are very secure due to its encrypted and decentralized nature. Despite receiving criticism, investments in the technology are likely to bear fruits in 2020.

More companies are expected to join the fold, and it will be exciting how this technology unfolds.

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