5 Ways to Get Rid of Cockroaches from Your House

5 Ways to Get Rid of Cockroaches from Your House

Cockroaches adapt to a variety of surroundings but prefer warm conditions. They cover up in dark and moist places in our homes. They keep dark spots and foul odour leading to very unpleasant and unhygienic conditions. It can be very difficult to kick them out. They can eat your meals, books and electronics, and some species of cockroach also spread germs to humans.

Cockroaches are one of the most popular household pests in the world. They are attracted to your home in search of food and water mostly. The three most popular types are the German, Oriental and American roaches.

These tiny animals are not only ugly to look, but also harmful to your health. They act as carriers of different bacteria and viruses that cause diseases.

Getting rid of cockroaches

As mentioned, the true nature of cockroaches makes them hard to control. However, the best way to get rid of pests is through prevention. By avoiding the entry of cockroaches into your home and/or business can save you both time and money.

How to avoid cockroaches

Preventing cockroaches can be successfully carried out with 5 simple steps.

Find the resource –

The first and the most essential thing to do is to know where the pests live. Cockroaches are nocturnal; meaning they are active during night time in search of food. You might need to do a little sleuthing to find the way to obtain your cockroach infestation. Generally, cockroaches hide in cracks and crevices around your home and also get into through drains or vents, preferring warm, humid areas such as kitchens as their prime infestation spot.

Keep it clean and mess free

Cockroaches love unclean, crumb-laden, and cluttered places. They'll live anywhere that has their three simple requirements - food, water, and warm shelter - but unclean, messy surroundings have a lot more of these to offer.

So if you want to avoid cockroaches, help your home be an unfriendly spot for these buggers by keeping it spick-and-span. Take out the trash consistently, do your dishes as soon as you finish eating, dispose of all your food scraps in sealed-tight Ziploc bags, clean up every trace of sauce and grease from the stovetop, give your countertops a thorough wipe-down, brush and mop the floors, and keep the dishwasher clean.

Plug up all leaks

A cockroach can survive for a month without meals but it needs daily access to water. One great way to keep pests away is to make your home a place without an easy water source. Always drain the sink when you're done with the dishes, wipe down the bath when you're finished, remove all traces of water from your countertops, and even leave your damp dish sponge inside a container or somewhere pests cannot access it.

Also, check your home for other sources of water - leaking plumbing and even dampness under the fridge - and secure those places so pests cannot find a water source if they get into your home.

Prepare the pesticides to use –

After finding the source and the residence of the cockroaches, it's time to get ready the pesticides to use. It is a known fact that you cannot get rid of pests absolutely by using only one type of pesticides. After some time, roaches especially the German types develop some immunity to a pesticide. To get rid of an infestation completely, you need the following pesticides; like cockroach gel bait, boric acid, sugar, flour, roach traps and pest repellent.

Trap & Toss

Another way to get rid of cockroaches is to create a trap with a glass jar that’s about 4″ high. Put some bacon grease and a small number of bananas in the bottom of the jar. Then apply a band of oil jam about 3/4″ wide around the within the jar, about 1/2″ from the top. Stand the jar in an area where cockroaches are a problem. The bugs can crawl in but won’t be able to get out.

Remember, if the cockroach population grows to challenge proportions, expert pest removals suggest to hire professionals to help you get rid of them. In-between though, using these natural and environmentally responsible cockroach repelling methods can help out quite a lot.

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