5 Things You Need to Know About ADHD in Children

5 Things You Need to Know About ADHD in Children

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition that affects 2.8% of American children between the ages of 4 and 17. In addition to its obvious impact on daily life, ADHD also has a lasting effect on an individual’s ability to succeed in school and beyond. People with ADHD tend to be easily distracted by external factors and tend to have difficulty focusing on one task for a long period of time. These aspects can make it challenging for people with ADHD to sit still in class or complete homework assignments. Even though there is no known cause of ADHD, environmental factors such as heredity, nutrition, and stress are believed to play a contributing role. If you suspect that your child has this condition, it might be beneficial to learn more about its symptoms and the potential effects it could have on your child's future career choices.

Continue reading to discover the ten things you need to know about ADHD in children.

1. It’s often difficult to diagnose in children
Some ADHD symptoms are more obvious in adults than in children. That's why ADHD can often be difficult to diagnose at a young age. In addition, the symptoms of the disorder often appear at the same time that kids develop other developmental issues, such as anxiety, depression, and poor social skills. The symptoms of ADHD often worsen over time, especially as kids get older, which can complicate diagnosis. For these reasons, children need to go through several consultations with different doctors before receiving a correct diagnosis.

2. ADHD is a common condition
ADHD affects between 5%-10% of children and between 15%-30% of adults in the world. If your child seems to have difficulty staying focused, paying attention during class, or sitting still for long periods of time, ADHD is probably the reason. And if your child is experiencing some of these symptoms, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. ADHD is a general term that includes several specific conditions. Its most common types are inattentive ADHD and combined ADHD. While there is no one-size-fits-all method for diagnosing this disorder, there are certain symptoms that are more likely in children with ADHD. For example, some children may have difficulties with tasks that require persistent attention, such as writing essays and reports, performing complex math calculations, and following complex directions.

3. There is no cure for ADHD, only treatments
Though there is no cure for this disorder, there is special ADHD treatment that helps to reduce the symptoms. Stimulant medications such as Adderall or Ritalin are the most common treatment for ADHD. These drugs help to stay focused by increasing the brain’s level of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine. There are many side effects of using stimulant medications, including drug addiction and possible long-term health consequences. Non-stimulant medications, such as Strattera, are also used to treat ADHD.

4. Job opportunities for people with ADHD
ADHD is often thought of as a disorder that holds people back from success. However, many people with ADHD can easily succeed in different areas of life, from business to sports to music. Entrepreneurs and self-starters are likely to be people with ADHD because they are typically self-motivated and enjoy taking on challenges. People with ADHD may be more likely to drive themselves harder than others to gain an advantage in their career or study areas. This can be a good thing, as it can lead them to make more money and earn more respect than others working in the same industry or field.

5. Impulsiveness
People with ADHD have more impulsive behaviors. Impulse control is their weak spot. Impulsiveness is common in people with this condition, but it is not necessarily a negative trait. Impulsiveness can be helpful if coupled with a sense of responsibility and empathy. However, impulsiveness can be dangerous if those people act without thinking.

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