5 Things to Do Before Professional Carpet Cleaners Arrive

professional carpet cleaners

Professional carpet cleaning is a part of household maintenance routine that has to happen once or twice a year depending on the home’s needs and the level of contamination. Apart from keeping your floors aesthetically pleasing, deep carpet cleaning conducted by qualified pros with the application of designated appliances and supplies serves a number of other important purposes, like:

  • prolonging the life of the carpet by providing gentle cleaning treatment, ultimate dust, and dirt extraction without damaging the fibers, but preserving the shape, the texture and the color of the carpet, making it function for much longer;
  • removing stubborn stains regular remedies available at the stores or homemade solutions can’t combat;
  • make the carpets safer for people living in the house by getting rid of most of the bacteria, dust buildup and other things, the accumulation of which often cause allergic reactions, asthma attacks;
  • rejuvenate home’s interior by making dull, dirty carpets look as good, fresh and bright as new;
  • prevent the emergence of dust mites and bed bugs, which consider carpet fibers, especially if they’re a bit dirty and moist, as perfect homes;
  • get rid of terrible odors, pet stains and evidence of other similar accidents that ended up on your carpet;
  • conform to the requirements of carpet warranty, as those normally call for professional deep cleanings every year or year and a half;
  • making further everyday carpet maintenance easier.

professional carpet cleaning

Even though hiring professional carpet cleaners instead of renting deep cleaning equipment and attempting to operate it on your own will save you a lot of time and effort, as well as prove itself to be more efficient, it still requires a certain level of preparation. There’re a few things carpet cleaners would appreciate if you did prior to their visit to eliminate possible inconveniences, let them get to business right away and ensure a positive experience.

You don’t need to do much, but you’d probably like to take these steps to get your home ready for professional carpet cleaning.

How to prepare for professional deep carpet cleaning

1. Vacuum high-traffic areas if possible

It might sound ridiculous to vacuum your carpets right before the cleaner’s visit, but professionals aren’t necessarily coming to vacuum your floors (the task you may easily get done on your own, but rather focus on deep cleaning and hard to remove stains. Thus, vacuum your carpets briefly to pick up major dust and dirt to let your cleaners get to deep cleaning right away.

Ask your pros if they’d like you to vacuum, though, as some pros prefer to do that themselves and some include pre-cleaning vacuuming as a free bonus.

woman vacuuming carpets

2. Pick up small things and remove fragile items

Basically, you need to free the battlefield for cleaners. Small pieces of furniture, breakable decorations, fragile valuables, kids/pets toys and toy boxes, live floor plants make the cleaner’s job more difficult and take their time away. However, they’ll surely help you with bulkier furniture and heavier items that have to be moved in order to reach to the carpet. Just make sure to check the company’s policy to see if it charges for furniture moving to be able to eliminate extra costs.

3. Take care of pets and kids

Most cleaners don’t like entering homes with loose dogs for obvious reasons. They also warn pet owners about the fact that they’ll have to keep the doors opened to drag the hoses in. And that might be a problem if the pets aren’t allowed outside unattended. Additionally, it’s not recommended to let pets play on carpets that have just been deep cleaned. So, gate the pets away so that they don’t mess with cleaners, their equipment, and cleaning products. Keeping young kids entertained outside of the cleaners’ operation zone might be a good idea as well.

dog at the gate

4. Don’t forget to point out problem areas

Mention particularly contaminated areas, hidden stains, urine spots, as well as express your expectations concerning deep cleaning technique and cleaning products you’d like to be used. Surely, carpet cleaners are aware of stains that occur on carpets, but it’s nice to point them out during the pre-cleaning inspection, especially if there’re any under the furniture. 

Let the pros know if your carpets are supposed to be treated in a certain way. If you’re set on certain kind of cleaners you’d like to be used on your carpets or if you have any concerns regarding the cleaning procedure, don’t be intimidated to ask your questions, as the ultimate goal of providers of high-quality carpet cleaning services is to make their customers happy.

5. Free a parking spot

Carpet cleaners need to park quite close to the entrance to be able to use their truck-mounted deep cleaning equipment. Rearrange your family vehicles to let a bigger truck park close enough to the entrance or free a garage lot of your garage doors’ height allows bigger cars to get in.

carpet cleaner's van

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