4 Things Drivers Should Avoid Doing

Man and woman sitting in the front seat of a car whilst driving.

Being a driver is a big responsibility for many reasons. Not only are you responsible for your own safe driving on the road, but also the safety of others and the proper maintenance of your car.

So, here are some things drivers should never do for the safety of themselves and others and the proper maintenance of their car.


Don't Get Distracted.

It is important when you are driving that you do not allow yourself to get distracted by anything or anyone. Getting distracted while you are driving is extremely dangerous and can lead to hazardous driving or a serious collision.

Distractions can be any number of things, such as taking your eyes off the road, texting or talking on the phone, eating, listening to music or talking with passengers who are making it difficult to concentrate.

If you find yourself distracted by any of these things, or anything else, when driving, then it is important to take a moment to pull over and attend to the distractions before continuing to drive.


Don't Invalidate Your Insurance.

Car insurance is a legal requirement for you to be driving on the roads in Britain. However, there is any number of small ways that you can invalidate your car insurance and therefore be driving illegally and without insurance.

There are a few things that you can do to avoid invalidating your car insurance. Firstly, it is important that you are always honest with your lender and keep your information up to date. Be clear on where you keep your car overnight and keep your keys safe.

Only you and other named drivers on your policy should be allowed to drive your car, and your car should be insured for the right class of use. Your insurer should also be made aware of any modifications you plan to make.

Finally, and most importantly, do not intentionally mislead your insurer, keep your car in good condition and don’t drive recklessly.


Don’t Drive While Tired.

Feeling tired, especially in the mornings and evenings, is a part of life and something that we all experience. However, driving when you are overly tired is not a good idea. In fact, driver fatigue is extremely dangerous, with accidents caused by tiredness being around 50% more likely to result in death or serious injury.

Driving while tired impairs your driving in a similar way to drink driving. It increases your reaction times, reduces the amount of attention you pay, the level of control you have over your vehicle and compromises your decision-making ability.


Don’t Drive When the Oil Light Is On.

Your oil light being on can mean any number of things. However, if your oil light is on, then it is important you do not drive your car. If it is on before you start your journey, do not start your journey. However, if your oil light comes on when you are driving, you should pull over to a safe spot and turn off the engine.

Your oil light being on could mean any number of things, such as:

·      Your oil levels are too high.

·      Your oil levels are too low.

·      Your oil pump needs replacing.

·      You have a faulty sensor.

Ignoring your oil light can do serious damage to your engine, so it is worth getting any issues checked out as soon as the light comes on.


Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to drive, so it important that if you are a river you are taking proper care when driving and of your car for the road safety of yourself and others. That means avoiding doing these four simple things as well as others.

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