4 Secrets You Didn’t Know About Surviving Extremely Hot Summer

4 Secrets You Didn’t Know About Surviving Extremely Hot Summer

Due to notorious climate change, seasons have become harsher and more unpredictable than ever before. Especially when it comes to the summer season, the severe weather conditions are likely to pose a threat to our health. Surviving the extreme heat is not only difficult for people with health issues, but this is also a problem for the people who are physically fit. Since a heat wave is often followed by high humidity, the human body needs to work hard so as to keep an optimal temperature and prevent a heat stroke. By cooling down, you shall spare your body a lot of work.

A few ways to cool off

There are many ways to cool off during the extremely hot summer. Light cotton clothes, drinking enough water, staying in the shade are just some basic precautionary measures that we can all take. If you are lucky, spending your days in a shade near a pool or the seaside will do the trick. However, there are times when we are forced to fight the heat indoors, because of business obligations, family affairs, etc. In such case, it’s good to have an ace up your sleeve. Therefore, here are four secrets you ought to try this cruel summer:

1. Lights out! 

First things first, lights out! Whether you are using eco-friendly LEDs or incandescent light bulbs, your home will most definitely get warmer from the outdoor heat and the energy generated by the light. So, try to make the most of the daylight. However, if you are staying up late, then give a thought to using candles, if possible. Not only does it cool the room, but it makes a lovely ambiance. In addition to this, turn off any electronic appliance you don’t require at the moment since they tend to considerably heat up the room if they are not plugged out.


lights out

2. Let in some breeze!

Let some fresh air in by opening the windows and keeping your fan working nonstop. Moreover, you can even place a block of ice in front of it and make your own air-conditioner. On the other hand, if you already have one, make sure it’s working properly. For example, you can insulate window air-conditioner by simply closing the gaps where the excessive heat enters. When it comes to air-conditioner itself, leave this task to a professional for AC repairs, since poor maintenance can affect its performance, thus, inefficiently cooling the room, or even worse, jeopardizing your family’s health.

3. Sleep in a chilly room for sweet dreams

There is nothing more annoying than trying to sleep during the summer heat. Avoid missing out on your beauty sleep by keeping the room cool with a fan or AC. If that’s not an option, open a window and hang a wet sheet. By doing this, you can cool down the room without any appliances. Another idea is to relocate your mattress to the lower floor of the house because the hot air is usually accumulated in the upper part of the house.While enjoying the cool breeze of the ground floor, you shall get some shut-eye.


4. Stay cool any way you can

We are all well familiar with the blissful effects of cotton clothes during the hot summer.This breathable and comfortable material is inevitable during a heat wave.Furthermore, cotton bed sheets are a must, too. A useful weapon against the heat is pillows with buckwheat, as they have proven to be more efficient than cotton because they absorb less heat. Before bedtime, put your bed sheets in a freezer so as to later enjoy its cooling effect. Another cool tip is to put a sock filled with rice in a freezer. After an hour, take it out and use it to stay cool.




Enjoy your summer without heat!

Although the summer heat may affect us negatively for a couple of months, there is no reason not to enjoy the summer that is to come. The most important thing is to follow these tips and help your body function despite the summer heat. Therefore, keep yourself cool by unplugging the electronics and turning off the lights. Make sure your AC is working, or make one with a fan and a block of ice. Sleep in a chilly room for sweet dreams. Cotton bed sheets are the best choice. If you want to cool down really fast, keeping some things in the freezer is worth a try.

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