3 Prevention Tips for Hepatitis C


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the very dangerous virus that affects your liver. You are at a major risk of getting hepatitis C if you come into contact with the blood of an infected person. According to facts and figures, around 140 million people around the world are having hepatitis C virus and more than 50% of cases are still undiagnosed.

This suggests that the figure could be much bigger than expected. Globally, the health experts and authorities are trying to implement a health policy that can help in the timely diagnosis of this disease and can prove to be a very healthy measure in saving precious lives.

The only good thing about hepatitis C is that it is preventable. You can protect yourself from this disease by following some very simple tips. Without further ado, let’s discuss the 5 prevention tips for hepatitis C.

Always Go for Blood Testing

If you have received a blood transfusion before 1992, you are at a risk of having hepatitis C. The reason is that HCV was discovered in 1989 and blood screening was not performed at that time. It is also a fact that hepatitis antibodies take some time to develop and in most hepatitis C cases, the symptoms do not appear at all. Having said that, it is important for you to get your blood tested for HCV so that the treatment could be provided if the virus is detected.

Avoid Sharing Needles & Razors

One of the major reasons for growth for hepatitis C is because of using shared needles and razors. If a needle is used on an infected person and reused on a healthy person, they can get the virus. Such sharp objects can carry HCV and infect the other person. This is the reason why health experts always advise to avoid sharing needles and razors.

Use Sterilized Equipment for Tattooing

If you are a fan of body tattoos, you should beware of the danger that they carry. Most of the tattoo makers don’t use sterilized equipment for making tattoos and this is when the risk of hepatitis C increases. It is highly advisable to choose a tattoo and piercing parlors carefully where preferably disposable needles and equipment are used, or even if they are not using disposable equipment – there should be arrangements for sterilizing it.

Using these tips above, you can prevent hepatitis C and live a healthier life. As mentioned earlier, hepatitis C is curable. There are some myths about hepatitis C including:

  • There’s no way to reduce the risk of getting HCV: Using the tips mentioned above, you can prevent this dangerous disease.
  • Hepatitis C cannot be cured: Absolutely wrong! Hepatitis can be cured completely. Medical sciences and healthcare services have developed to a level where the cure of hepatitis C and many other fatal diseases have been discovered.
  • You can get hepatitis C by eating food in the same utensils: – This is nothing but a myth because hepatitis C transfers by the transfusion of blood.

It is better to not to give an ear to these myths and consult a doctor if you feel you are having symptoms of hepatitis C. Even if you are not having symptoms of hepatitis C, there is no harm in getting yourself checked. If you are wondering how you can find a doctor, download the Hayaat mobile app. This is a safe, legal, and easy way to find a doctor near your location and set up an appointment quickly. All you have to do is download the app and choose from a large list of gastroenterologists.

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