2 Effective Homemade Cleaners For Kitchen Cabinets

Kitchen cabinets are the face of every kitchen attracting the whole attention. Even if you are the most careful cook, splatters will still appear. Grease and grim always find a way to cling to the most remote and unthinkable surfaces in your kitchen. Even if the kitchen cabinets don't look dirty, bacteria and other food particles may have left in your hands, causing them to stick to the surface and allowing an adhesive residue to build up. Most people think that cleaning as you go is the best way to keep a satisfying level of cleanliness in your home, but on days when you're preparing a multi-ingredient meal, it won't be enough. A deep cleaning will be mandatory.

For that purpose, you could make your cleaning solution with the ingredients you already have in your pantry. It's effectiveness is as good as an expensive, non-green, bought from the market cleaner.

What You Need?


  • Liquid dishwashing soap
  • Water
  • Cooking oil
  • Baking soda
  • Wash rag or a cleaning toothbrush
  • Magic eraser
  • Rubber gloves
  • Essential oil (if you have it)

Cleaning With Soap

For basic dirt and grime you could make a combination of liquid dishwashing detergent and warm water. The proportion is: a tablespoon of dish soap and a half cup of warm water. Mix them until the ingredients homogenize. Put a pea sized amount of that paste on a toothbrush or a clean rag, then scrub down your kitchen cabinets.

Again with the toothbrush, clean under the hardware, or if it's possible to remove them in order to clean the cabinets deeply, will be great. We all know that the area around the hardware needs the biggest attention, but let's not forget to wipe down the sides, insides and the front door of the cabinet. Then rinse with warm water. You could clean in the same way as a professional cleaner could.

This cleaning solution could come in handy if you are moving into a new apartment and the kitchen cabinets and other greasy furniture need degreasing before using them, Yes, it's not the most amusing domestic chore, but as sooner as you could do it, the better and relieved you'll feel. As long as you wait, more grime will build up.

A magic eraser could be used for those surfaces that are painted and easily scratched, because the abrasive cleaners could damage them.

Cleaning With Baking Soda

In case the dishwashing detergent doesn't work, you can use something more abrasive, like baking soda. The next recipe can be used on any hard for cleaning surface. Pour 3 tbsp. of baking soda in a small dish and add cooking oil, mix until you get a slightly runny paste (about 1 1/2 tbsp.). Be careful because if it's too runny, it could slide off your furniture. Additionally, you can add 2-3 drops of essential oil to the mixture so it will smell nice during and after the cleaning session.

Now, the funny part comes. Dip a cleaning brush in the paste and start scrubbing! Harder to clean is the cooked on food on the bottom of the cabinets, so don't forget to look there. After that, rinse off any leftover residue with a wet rag.

Yes, it may sound to you like one of those impossible tasks used to torture people in Greek mythology. But, it's not true.

*Hint: In order to ease your chore, put paper on the tops of your cabinets where people can't see. That way the grime and grease will fall down on it. Changing the paper once a year will be suffice.

By and large, the final decision is yours. You can make your green cleaner from the products you have at home or you can buy expensive cleaning detergents, but risking to leave toxic residues after cleaning.

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