What Are Ecofriendly Cars and the Benefits in Ecofriendly Driving?

Ecofriendly Cars

Ecofriendly cars offer a safe driving experience. They don’t rely on fuel alone to run, so they are less expensive than fuel-powered cars. Most of these cars also come with tax rebates, so they can offer drivers another financial incentive. Yet what are the best types of fuel efficient and eco friendly cars? 

Types of Ecofriendly Cars


Generally speaking, there are four types of enviromentally friendly cars available to consumers: Diesel, biodiesel, hybrid and electric cars. Each of these four brings its own set of benefits to the table. 

Diesel cars here have probably been around for the longest of the four types of ecofriendly cars and are the most familiar to consumers. In the past, diesel cars have experienced challenges. Now, they offer plenty of benefits over cars powered by gas. Diesel can be much less expensive than gasoline. It takes less diesel fuel to run a diesel-powered car than a car powered by gasoline. Most diesel engines don’t need as much maintenance and last longer than engines powered by gasoline. The gas mileage in a diesel car can be 20 percent more efficient than a car using gasoline. 

Hybrid cars are probably the most widely used cars of all of the ecofriendly vehicles. These cars can reduce emissions and pump less exhaust into the environment. Since the car is partially run by electricity, it can save on gas prices too. Since the car uses less fuel, drivers will spend less money on gasoline. Many drivers also qualify for a tax rebate for their hybrid cars too. Hybrid cars also deliver torque almost instantly upon acceleration. The hybrid car also doesn’t idle, so it uses less gas during times when the car isn’t in motion. Car companies continue to improve models every year too.

Electric cars offer most of the benefits of hybrid. The biggest difference is that the electric car will run on electricity only. You don’t need to fill up the electric car, but you’ll need to charge the car. The hybrid charges itself every time the driver accelerates. This car is more ecofriendly than the hybrid but it isn’t as convenient to plug in a car as it is to refuel one. 

Biodiesel cars are similar to diesel cars. The biggest difference is that biodiesel burns clean and is manmade; this makes it easy to produce and safe for the environment. Biodiesel is also safer for the environment than fuel if spilled. 

Green Car Guide: Makes and Models


Some of the best makes and models of these cars were introduced in 2015. Every year, car companies continue to improve their ecofriendly lines of vehicles. The Ford C Max Hybrid offers 40 mpg while the Toyota Camry Hybrid offers 41 combined mpg. The Chevy Volt offers an electric range of 380 miles. The Tesla Model S offers an electric range of 270 miles. For diesel cars, the BMW Series 3 is one of the most affordable diesel options and starts at $38,000. The Jeep Grand Cherokee diesel car starts at $42,000 and gets up to 21 mpg on the highway. For electric cars, the Fiat 5e can accelerate to 30 mph very quickly. The Ford Focus electric starts at only $29,000 and offers a range of 76 miles. 

Other Options


While many people will end up buying an ecofriendly car this year, many others will simply rent. Go Green cars are extremely popular. They offer all the benefits of an environmentally friendly car in a rental. They are available for hourly or daily rentals.

When it comes to green cars, there are plenty of options. Luckily, most of these cars offer plenty of financial benefits and can last longer than cars powered by fuel. These cars also put less stress on the environment. They don’t rely on fossil fuels to run, and they don’t produce high emissions like fuel-powered cars.

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