Using Flutter: Pros and Cons for Hybrid App Development

Hybrid App Development

Hummingbird, recently known as Flutter is a Software Development Kit containing various widgets and tools. It's quite popular among app developers as they can create various applications for both Android and iOS platforms. Not to forget, Flutter contains multiple tools and widgets which provide help in seamlessly creating high-quality mobile applications with 0 hassle. 

Hence, if you are looking for cross-platform hybrid app development, flutter would be of help as it contains a mutual codebase for both the operating systems. 

Here are a few things about Flutter that can help you understand the software development kit better:

  • Flutter is much like Dart, an object-oriented programming language.
  • It is an open-source development kit and is fairly easy to use.
  • The platform provides easy-to-follow guidelines under a professional User Interface. Hence, the apps you create will always have a trendy design. 

Google has had a tremendous amount of responsibility in modifying the development kit to be on par with the advent of modern technology. Here are the changes in Flutter through Google I/O 2019:

  • The introduction of Flutter Web, preview version. 
  • Flutter can now release adds support for Chrome application. 

All in all, Flutter is the word for every hybrid app developers when it comes to creating and modifying professional applications. But of course, before using the development kit, here are the lists of the pros and cons of Flutter:


  • A Single Code for Two Platforms

Flutter allows developers such as you to write just one codebase for your application. The codebase is applicable and compatible with both Android and iOS platforms. 

Flutter's provision for its widgets and designs can help you create your application to be the same for both operating platforms. More so, you can opt to make customizable changes in the application, to make them look unique for their respective platforms. 

  • Quicker Coding

When creating an application, the usability speed, graphics, and animations are every hybrid app developer's most vital contribution. Hence, even if there are minute errors in such details, Flutter helps your designer modify the changes, code the program and test out the prototype for further improvements. And all these activities take just a few seconds with the Hot Reload. Therefore, you can fix bugs and experiment with the application until it suits your needs. 

  • Faster Running Apps

The apps which you create with Flutter can vouch for smoother performance. As the software development kit provides ample space for error fixing and customization options, the applications will have bug-free, quicker usability and task execution. Technical perfection is every developer's wish and Flutter can make such wish come true. 

  • Time-Saving Tests

If you have the same code base for the application on both platforms, any modification update will require lesser time for improvement. Be it a performance test, error fixing or additions to the app, one app, in two platforms will require only one test to solve all issues in a short period. If you hire quality assurance specialists to carry out such tasks, they can benefit from quick check through and fixes. 

  • Attractive Designs

Due to Flutter's provision to help you create more user-friendly widgets, you can always go for attractive UI's which can draw in the customers as long-term users. A good-looking widget might not always be about the right colors but also comfortable usability. For example, allowing for a dark-mode theme for your messaging application will target those who opt for comfortable application visibility. 

  • For Investor Viewing

If you're under a time-crunch before presenting your idea before the investors, Flutter can be of immense help. Flutter can help hybrid app developers build a product in no time, especially if it's to be compatible with all operating platforms. 

If your investor has a proper understanding of your application's usability on both Android and iOS platforms, there are chances of profitable opportunities in your near future.

  • Similar App look for Old devices

If you build a mobile application through flutter, your app will look the same even for older devices and operating systems. Not to forget, it will also provide the exact UI for your customer so everyone can enjoy and benefit from your app. Hence, be it an old iPhone or the new Android tab, your application can fit in all devices' operations. 


  • Support Libraries

Although Flutter has become more popular with its increased usability, there are certain issues where you might not find the implementation of much-needed functionalities. Such information is not available in the libraries which might come in handy for all app developers such as you. 

Of course, there is still time for upgrades on this newly-developed software development tool. 

  • Support for TVs

We've seen the rise in demand for Android and Apple TVs. With more people opting for Android and Apple TVs for Streaming Application Services such as Netflix and Prime, there is a rising demand for such more apps. 

Unfortunately, Flutter's framework does not support TV services. Hence, to comply with such commands, you might need to depend on other toolkits. 

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