Questions to Ask Before Choosing The Perfect Floor Plan

Questions to Ask Before Choosing The Perfect Floor Plan

Building a new home is quite an exciting period of time as you will have the home you want, not the home you settled for. The experience is almost unparalleled in real estate as you can select a design perfect for your lifestyle/family. Starting this process will be difficult as you will have to sift through a number of floor plans before you have a style you like. Similar floor plans could have those small differences that matter to you. 


You likely are researching online and a custom home builder could have given you magazines to browse. Touring model homes is a great way to see how a floor plan translates into real life. Construction professionals will be the largest help throughout this process although you could find something in your research you are sold on. A custom home builder with experience can ask the right questions and narrow down floor plans with you. 


You want to keep all of the research you have put together whether it is a home on Facebook or Zillow that you loved or a design you found on Instagram. There are so many options that with the right amount of saved posts/cutouts you can select things like flooring and lighting. Take a look at a few landscaping magazines as well as you can create a home that is the envy of the neighborhood. 


The floor plan is not something that can be modified after you decide you do not like it after it is complete. For this reason, you need to be asking the right questions to yourself and your home builder. 

The Land You Are Building On

What direction will the sun be rising in relation to your window placement?

The last thing you want is to wake up early with the sun directly shining in your eyes.


Will you have the best view depending on the placement/angle of the home for windows?

If you have a beautiful view, you need to take advantage.


What types of licenses and requirements do you have in the local area?

You do not want to be fined due to not following restrictions that could end up costing you large amounts of money.

Square Footage of the Home

Do you plan to grow your family or have the kids moved out? 

You might be downsizing during retirement or getting a home where you can grow your family. 


Will a finished basement help accommodate your needs in terms of livable space?

A finished basement can be quite versatile whether it is used to entertain or for a bedroom.


Will an elderly family member move in with you?

This could require an in-law suite or a guest bedroom with a bathroom attached. 


Do you want a single story or a multi-story house?

For those getting a bit older, a single-story house might be best for mobility reasons.


Lifestyle in the Home

Do you need an office due to working remotely?

More people are working remotely than ever before so this might be a consideration.


Do you need storage for your hobbies?

Some hobbies take up a little space while dirt biking or kayaking require storage space.



Do you want a chef’s kitchen or just something simple?

Appliances that are preferred need space along with counter space for certain cooking items.


How many people will you usually have in the kitchen?

Larger families need more space in the kitchen. The addition of a kitchen island can add that extra space on the counter which can make collaboration in the kitchen easier. 


Can your current furniture fill the home appropriately?

If not, you are going to have to budget for this.


How important is your TV setup for you in your new home?

A TV is the main attraction in some living rooms while in others it is an afterthought. 


Use the questions above to help you along your journey to picking the perfect floor plan for you and your family. 

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