12 Life-Changing Cleaning Tips and Tricks

If it was only possible to avoid the annoying cleaning tasks and do something more entertaining instead. The stubborn stains can really get on your nerves, while the endless chores can take up most of your precious free time. Sadly, we’re living in a world where domestic cleaning is unavoidable and necessary. This doesn’t mean that you can’t make your job easier. With these ingenious solutions you will be to tackle even the most grinding tasks. Prepare to reshape your entire idea of cleaning with this life-changing tips and tricks.

1. Clean Grease and Grime with Coke

It turns out that Coke has multiple applications in the household. You can quickly remove the greasy spots from your clothes or get rid of the grime in the toilet bowl. Try it over a burnt pan. You will be amazed by the result. Having problems with the tile grout? Pour it on the floor and let it sit for a couple of minutes.  A dip of this drink will do miracles.

2. Give Your Microwave a Steam Cleaning

If you can’t stand the miserable look of your stained microwave, you should definitely try this trick. Get a bowl with water and squeeze a lemon in it. Then microwave it for three minutes and then leave it there for five more. The steam will help loosen up the build- up food. Then all you need to do is to wipe inside.

3. Remove the Build-up from Your Shower

You can’t prevent the build up of minerals on your shower head. It can be really annoying, especially when it disrupts the water flow. You can put an end to your misery with this simple idea. Soak your showerhead in a bag of vinegar. Put a rubber band and leave it overnight

4. Unclog The Drains With Vinegar

Speaking of vinegars, here is another way you can use it. Prevent the clogging of your sink drain by dumping two cups of vinegar once a month. It will release the debris and the dirt.

5. DIY Your Upholstery Cleaner

Restore the previous glory of your upholstered furniture with two ingredients. Mix ½ cup of dawn dish soap and a cup of hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle. Then apply where needed and let it sit for a minute. Do a colour test before using it.

6. Polish with A Lemon

Bring the shine of your metal appliances by rubbing them with lemon. You can use this method for the stainless steel in your kitchen and the chrome in the bathroom. Out of bleach? Whiten your whites in a green way with a lemon juice.

7. ...And Repel Insects

It turns out that the scent and flavour of lemons are extremely effective at driving away ants, moths, fleas, cockroaches and other insects. Put dried lemon peels in a breathable cloth sachet and place it in your wardrobe, instead of mothballs. Squeeze a little bit of lemon juice onto the doors and windowsills to banish the pests.

8. Get Rid of the Mildew

Mix equal parts of baking soda and water and make a paste. Apply over the grout and then scrub. Bleach is another great cleaning solution.


9.Treat Carpet Spills With Cornmeal

No one is safe from unintentional carpet spills. Fear not? Cornmeal can quickly absorb the liquid and minimize the damage.


10. Use A  Sock to Remove The Dust From Hard To Reach Areas

The window blinds attract dust like magnet, but they are tricky to clean. Slip an old sock on your hand and sway away the dirt.


11. Clean Your Oven The Easy Way

Don’t be afraid to take a look inside of your oven anymore. Add ½ cup of ammonia into the oven and let it sit overnight. Then wipe on the next morning.

12. Sanitize the Sponge

The sponge is probably one of the dirtiest spots in your house. Remove the germs by microwaving it for two minutes.


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