How to Write a Resignation Letter

resignation letter

Changing jobs is a completely natural part of your career.

You’ve just been accepted at the firm you’ve always wanted to join and the only thing left is to tell your current employer that it’s time to part ways.

One of the most important steps in winding up your current job is to write a resignation letter. It may not be the most important step, but it’s a necessary one and quite often, an awkward one.

It determines the nature of your parting with your employer and how likely they are to recommend you to others. It's important to leave on good terms and resignation letter will play an important role.

The opening

You’re quitting – So just start from mentioning that you’re resigning from your position at a specific date. You don't really need to express the reasons behind your departure – you’ve already informed your boss of those during your last meeting. In other words, it’s better to keep it as simple and succinct as possible.

Here’s a sample, note how short and simple it is.

Dear [the name of your superior]

Please accept this letter as a formal notification that I am resigning from my post as [your post] at [you company’s name]. My final day at the office will be [final date – normally two weeks from now].

Express Gratitude

It is always a good idea to be grateful to your employer for the chances that they’ve offered during the job – be sure to mention the things that you’ve enjoyed while working at the company and also the experience you gained. Do this even if you didn’t enjoy your time at the company. As earlier mentioned, you may need to acquire a reference from this company at a later stage in your career, so ending it on a positive note will be of help.

Here’s a sample paragraph that you can add.

I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work at this firm for the last [x] months/years. It has been an enjoyable and enlightening experience, particularly [some favorite job roles]. During my tenure here, I’ve also learnt [some key technical and professional lessons you’ve picked up], which have helped me grow as a professional.

The handing off

Lastly, you should indicate that you’re willing to help out in the transition. There is no need to get into the details or recommend a substitute unless they ask. You certainly shouldn’t promise something you can’t deliver, but including a few lines about how you want to smoothly wrap up your job will reiterate that you’re a responsible professional, which will further enhance your chances of getting a good recommendation. 

Let’s have a look at the sample.

I’ll help conclude my duties and inform other team members about my role so they can handle it during the transition period. I will be eager to help in any other way if needed.

It is my sincere desire that this company continues to succeed in its endeavors and I hope to maintain a connection beyond this job.


[Your name here]

Naturally, your letter may differ based on the nature of your job and the circumstances but this is a sensible skeleton to follow. You can also search online for other samples which are more relevant to your job.

Even better, you should consider going for some training or certificate like CBP Business Communication because small things like resignation letter, job application, presentation, and report writing can make a world of difference to your growth as a professional. You will need these forms of communication in almost all jobs.

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