How to Paint Interior Walls?

interior painting sample

Painting the walls of your home with the latest colors is perhaps the best way to re-invent its interior. They are what make you breathe a new life into a tired interior. Therefore, the way you paint the interior walls can be just as essential as the color you use.


1) Remove any furniture or other items from the area to create a sufficient working space in the area that is to be painted.

2) Clean your walls with sugar soap and lay down a drop sheet to prevent any dust. Some people are also tempted to skip this step. But it is best to clean the surface so as to avoid ruining the paint job.

Handy Tip - Make sure to choose an interior paint that is most appropriate for your requirements or suits your needs. Most of the people opt for Dulux wash & wear low sheen when it comes to buying washable paint because it offers great performance and keeps the walls looking freshly painted for longer.

3) Use cutting-in technique for masking. Cutting-in is a method in which you paint the surface using a brush or application pad as well as the spaces that can’t be reached with a roller.

4) Ensure to dip your paint brush into the paint around half the length of the bristles. In order to remove the excess paint, tap the brush on the side of the paint pot. Start painting a few centimeters from the edge or corner. When you will move the brush, you will establish the line of the edge of the paint. To make the line on the paint follows the edges, drag the brush into the edge.

Handy Tip - When cutting-in one of the most important tips is not to paint too far ahead, you will need to establish a wet edge so your roller can easily blend into the brushed paint. When your cut-in paint dries you will end up with two coats and that is called picture framing where you can see a clear difference between the rolled and cut-in sections.

5) If you are finally ready to roll out the wall, load your roller to push it forward on the tray and then lift it to see if it spins in an even manner. When your roller is unbalanced, it may be because the paint is not applied evenly, so continue rolling it over the tray with complete rotations to spread the paint evenly.

6) Begin from the area where you cut in and roll over the wall. To get the best outcomes, roll as far into the brushed surface as it is possible.

Handy Tip - Always paint in a ‘W’ motion, so as to get an even distribution across your wall.

7) When you have covered one section of the wall, it is time to lay-off to get a smooth and good finish. This is undoubtedly the most important step in rolling paint on a wall and so it should be done when you have painted a section roughly 3-4 meters. This will help you to get a smooth and consistent finish on the walls and conceal the streaky brushstrokes. Just put your unloaded roller at the top left corner of your wall and make sure that the side handles of your roller are to the right. After this, roll it straight down to the zero pressure until you reach the bottom. After this, remove your roller and return to the top and slowly overlap in the area where you just rolled previously so that each panel rubs away the line from the previous lay-off.

8) When you are done, just clean it up by using Dulux Enviro solutions waste hardener and you will get beautiful new walls.

These DIY tips are instructional, if you need more professional help then contact an expert interior painter nearby.

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