Home Maintenance Checklist


Keeping your home clean and sparkly is not the easiest task. Keeping your appliances and the things that can’t be seen in a perfect condition is even harder. Even if you are prepared for the upcoming season and you’ve already cleaned and checked most parts of your home, there’s still plenty to do. You’ll be surprised.

In order to do it all, you’d better have a calendar(write the notes on your computer or just make a list). A big house takes a lot of time to clean and maintain. 

But do not be scared. Most of these things you can pretty much do on your own. If you don’t have experience in a certain area and you don’t want to risk breaking something, call a professional handyman company to help you. 


1. Every month

- The fire extinguisher - in order to know if you can be safe if there is a fire, make sure to know if you need a new one. This is a really easy task see if the gauge shows the proper pressure and if there are visible leaks and tears. Another thing that you might find a bit silly but is very important - know where you keep it and leave that area open and with easy access to it.

- The kitchen sink disposal - if you need it to work properly then you need to take regular care. The easiest way to clean the disposal is to fill an ice tray with vinegar and let it freeze. Then run it through this appliance - it will freshen it and will also sharpen the blades.

- The HVAC filters - it is recommended to change the filters every month. It is pretty much up to you and your family - do you have small children? Dogs or cats? If you do, then it’s best to change them every month. Still, if they are not that dirty, inspect them the next month.

2. Every quarter

- The smoke detectors - it is really easy to check if they work - they usually have a “test” button. If the alarm goes off, then you’ve nothing to worry about. If it doesn’t then just change the batteries or clean the battery terminal. If it still doesn’t work then you need to buy new smoke detectors.

- The guest bathrooms - if you have a guest house or a guest room, then maybe you don’t use them as often as you use your bathroom. From time to time, go and flush the toilet and let the water run for a while. This will prevent any buildup and grime.

- The garage door - to prevent any accidents, you need to test the auto-reverse from time to time. Place a 2x4 piece of wood exactly where the door would close. It should automatically go back up a second or so after the door touches the wood.

3. Every six months

- Deep cleaning - I don’t mean just the vacuum and the curtains. Take the time to clean every part of the house perfectly. Go into the basement and up in the attic. You can also make your family participate and you’ll be done in no time.

- The refrigerator coils - it's good to clean them every six months. And do not worry - it’s not a difficult task. Just use the vacuum. The cleaner they are the less energy the fridge will use in order to cool off the food inside. So you’ll both have a cleaner appliance and a lower electrical bill.

- The water heater - you need to check the pressure relief valve. This prevents from corrosion and any other type of buildup and protects against leaks. It also helps the water heater run more efficiently.

In the spring

- Clean the gutters from leaves and other things that have buildup there through the winter and the autumn.

- Check the aesthetic look of your home - maybe your exterior paint is peeling? Are there any holes in the bricks? Take the time to observe the condition of your house and fix the problems.

- Check to see if any tree branches are touching electrical lines. Do we even need to explain why?   

- Go up to the roof and see if there are any broken tiles and holes. And fix them as soon as possible. You don’t want those summer rains to ruin your attic.

In the summer

- Go around the house and check the plumbing for leaks.  

- See if the patio needs any work done - usually it just needs a good wash.

- Take care of the insects - ants, spiders, mosquitoes - spray the rooms with a solution and make sure all doors close tightly.

- Clean the dryer vent and check the exhaust - the air from it should be fresh. Also, check for blockages as much as you can.

- Go through your garage and throw out everything you don’t need. Then clean the place thoroughly and enjoy it!

In the autumn

- In order for your heating system to do its job, make sure all windows and doors have no leaks. You shouldn’t store stuff on top of the heating vents, too.

- If you have a chimney, get it cleaned for the winter.

- Observe the pavement and the driveway for any holes and cracks. Once you fix them you’ll notice the great difference it makes.

- Go to the store and buy all the equipment you’ll need for the winter. Items like shovels that will help you get through the winter easier.

In the winter

- Don’t let icicles grow because they are dangerous and can harm a person. They are also heavy and can damage your home.

- Check all locks and deadbolts and replace anything that doesn’t work. Also, tighten handles and knobs.

- Go to the basement and clean every part of it. Because most people use it as storage space they don’t take the time to throw away the clutter and clean it thoroughly.

All of these tasks are easy to do and won’t take up much of your time. Once you finish with the maintenance for the month or season you will enjoy your home knowing everything is fixed.

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