A Guide to the Functionality of Liquid Ring Compressor

liquid ring compressor system

Most industrial processes probably look for appropriate displacement devices that provide the best functionality for their processes. Apparently, Liquid Ring Compressors are designed to handle highly toxic, explosive and corrosive gases, and have a history of reliable performance. They are used in the different industrial applications, such as compression of air or gases in general, ventilating tanks for fermentation, agitating tanks for liquids and few others.                                                               

Everything You Need to Know About Liquid Ring Compressor

A liquid ring compressor is a rotating positive-displacement device that is very similar to a rotary vane compressor but differs in their usage. The vacuum pump consisting of an impeller which is located eccentric to the cylinder body. They are formed by the cylindrical stator, within which a rotor supported at the side covers rotates. The liquid seal creates the vacuum in the vacuum pump. Centrifugal force serves as a driving force to perform the processes, when this force is applied, the liquid move outwards and the impeller starts to rotate. Liquid ring compressor plays a vital role in medium pressure application, where it transports air and gas of various compositions. 

The compressor is basically made of grey cast iron with both static and dynamic components. High-grade compressors are generally made of grey cast iron however when you want to go for a cheaper version, it is also possible. They are made of casting steel or a combination of both the type of casting. 

Role of Liquid Air Compressors in Various Sectors

Liquid ring compressors possess a number of desirable features and find a place in a number of applications. Let us see a few sectors where the liquid ring compressor system plays an immense role

  • Mining and construction - Mining companies need large capital investments to ensure the process of mining and construction and this is maintained right from the start to the end. To extract alumina from bauxite, iron, phosphate, there are some generic methodologies. The Bayer Process is the most cost-effective way of extracting alumina from bauxite. These metals have the highest electrochemical potential, in order to handle these chemicals, liquid ring compressor plays a huge part because they are ideal for dewatering and also has the capabilities of producing a technical grade lithium concentrate.
  • Pharmaceutical industry - When it comes to pharmaceutical, water remediation, and food production applications, it requires suitable equipment for its various applications. Especially for processes involving vapor recovery, drying, and laboratory, they are in need of efficient vacuum compressors to perform their methods. Apparently, the liquid ring compressor which has the greater capability of performing tasks at transmissivity conditions is found effective in water remediation. It extracts vapor from the soil, especially during low soil transmissivity conditions in contaminated areas.
  • Food production industry - In addition to this, liquid air compressors also play a crucial role in the food production process. They are commonly used to remove water during the process and an enhanced result is achieved. 

Maintenance of Liquid Ring Compressor

Since it plays a huge role in various applications, maintenance and care of this equipment are extremely important. Let us see how to maintain a liquid ring compressor: 

  • Proper lubrication – Since most of the compressors are fitted with sealed bearings, it requires periodic greasing and lubrication in order to maintain its performance.
  • Check for the excessive wear and tear- As the liquid ring compressor plays a continuous part in the number of aspects, it has to be regularly checked for the general wear and tear. If any parts are worn, it should be immediately replaced to avoid damages caused to the equipment. 


Liquid ring composer has a simple structure, it requires less lubrication and therefore suffers less damage. Their noise level is low and they don’t need silencers. These are low maintenance devices and therefore are popular in different fields.

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