Four Accessories to Complement Rattan Outdoor Furniture

Four Accessories to Complement Rattan Outdoor Furniture

One of the main truths universally accepted about rattan outdoor furniture is that it is visually appealing. Its unique aesthetic is a large part of what made furniture items made from this material so popular with the general public, and continues to be one of the driving factors behind the average man or woman’s decision to purchase a rattan outdoor furniture set for their garden, patio or balcony.

Yet, while both synthetic and natural rattan work perfectly well on their own from a visual standpoint, there is a simple, yet highly effective way to improve their appearance even further. That is, of course, through the use of accessories, four of the most common and popular of which are detailed in the lines below.


Cushions are perhaps the first accessory the average man or woman’s mind drifts to when thinking of effective accessories to complement their rattan outdoor furniture design set. As visually simple as they are appealing, cushions are a fantastic way to enhance the look and feel of a rattan set to make it seem even cosier and more welcoming to sit on.

Home-owners should take care, however, to ensure the cushions they buy to match to their rattan outdoor furniture set do not clash with the rest of the items, at the risk of the effect produced being the opposite of the one they were looking to obtain. Cushions in colours which clash with that of the rattan, for example, might make the set look haphazard and unappealing; similarly, elaborate patterns may not match well with the already intricately woven wickerwork present in most sets, creating a visually unappealing hodgepodge rather than the smooth, inviting, homely seating area the garden-owner might have been hoping for.

Still, a well-matched set of cushions can do wonders to improve the look of a rattan outdoor furniture set, and should definitely not be discarded as an option when looking to spruce up this type of garden furniture!


Parasols are another great way to give a rattan outdoor furniture set that little something extra, so as to elevate it from merely visually appealing to truly visually stunning. A parasol in a colour scheme or pattern which matches or complements that of the rattan set can truly help bring out some of the items’ already highly appealing features, making the overall result even more visually striking than it would otherwise have been.

Parasols, of course, also boast another highly advantageous trait, namely the fact that they have a practical use beyond aesthetic enhancement. A parasol can actively protect garden-owners and their guests from the elements during particularly hot, sunny periods, as well as in the case of a rainy spell in the middle of an otherwise pleasant day. This dual role further helps cement them as the perfect accessory to complement a rattan set.

Lighting Fixtures and Flowerpots

Finally, lighting fixtures, in a colour scheme and material matching or complementing those of the rattan outdoor furniture set, can help tie together the entire outdoor area, thus adding to the visual impact and effectiveness of the furniture. Accessories such as flowerpots, ideally also made of rattan, can further contribute towards this effect, and really tie an outdoor seating area together.

It is easy to ascertain from the lines above, then, that carefully chosen and matched accessories can help a rattan outdoor furniture set excel visually even more than it would have on its own. Home-owners looking to have a highly appealing and inviting outdoor seating area would therefore do well to look into the possibility of acquiring one or more of the complementary items described above!

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