Are Interview Thank You Letters Necessary?


After you have attended an interview, you are waiting for the call and constantly checking your emails. You are excited to know whether you are going to be selected for the job. But, have you done everything you can to secure this position you want?

There is one small thing you can do to ensure you have done your best during the application process. We are talking about sending a thank you letter after your interview. It is a small gesture that can have a huge impact and not enough candidates are doing it. Let’s take a closer look at the importance of interview thank you letters.

Should I Send a Thank You Letter After an Interview?

Interviews are your time to shine. You are able to meet your potential employers for the first time and discussion the position. In particular, you can communicate how you are the right candidate for the job.

But, just because your interview is over does not mean you cannot communicate further with your potential employer. In fact, something that you should do is send a thank you letter after your interview. Is this something that is mandatory? No, you are not obligated to send a thank you letter. But, it is an act that is highly advantageous and it can show that you are enthusiastic and have a desire for the position.

You do not have to take hours writing a thank you letter either. This is something that is not going to take long and you can send it by post or through email.

What are the Benefits of Sending an Interview Thank You Letter?

There are a lot of advantages you can enjoy when you choose to send a thank you letter after an interview. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Emphasize Your Skills

It is not uncommon to leave an interview and to wish that you said certain examples of your skills or experience. But, instead of being regretful and feeling like you did not share all of your best points, you can use the thank you letter to emphasize them. While you do not want to go overboard and write your life story, you can list some key points that make you the perfect candidate for the job. Follow this link to see interview thank you sample letters you can use. This way, you can gain some inspiration and know what to write for your thank you letter. You can keep it short but demonstrate that you have a lot to offer your employer.

It Shows Respect

Let’s not forget that it is mannerly and polite to say thank you after an event. Indeed, the same principle applies to an interview. There were likely hundreds of applications sent for the job you want. So, it is only natural to be grateful and appreciative that you were chosen by the employer for an interview. By sending a thank you letter after the interview, you can show you appreciate their time and demonstrate your respect for them. It is easy to forget to acknowledge when someone has taken time out of their day for you. If you want to make a lasting impression and show that you respect your employer for this opportunity, send a thank you letter and tell them.

You Will Stand Out

The truth is, sending a thank you letter after an interview is something that is rare. Not a lot of candidates even think about sending a letter afterward. It is not something that is mandatory and it does not cross a lot of candidate’s minds. So, this simple gesture of sending a thank you letter is going to make you stand out from the crowd. Remember that you are not the only person being interviewed for the job and you are in competition with those other candidates. Every little thing you do helps to make you unique and stand out. This could be your time to shine.

Demonstrate Your Written Communication Skills

Most jobs are going to require their employees to have good written communication skills. This is particularly true if it is a customer service role. The good thing about sending a thank you letter is that this is an opportunity to demonstrate your written communication skills. It is easy to tell someone you have a particular skill set. But, it is a lot more testing to show it. So, this is another opportunity you have to impress your potential employers. What’s more, you can share your enthusiasm for this position and how much you want it.

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