8 Foods That Help Prevent Heatstroke


When your body is overheated, usually as a result of prolonged exposure to high temperatures, this condition is known as heatstroke.  The body temperature rises to 40°C in case of heatstroke. This is the most serious form of heat injury.

You should require emergency treatment when heatstroke occurs. This reason behind is that untreated heatstroke can quickly damage body organs, including brain, heart, kidneys and muscles. It increases the risk of serious complications or death if treatment is delayed for a long period of time.

Causes of heat stroke
Following are the causes of heat stroke;

  1. High body temperature.
  2. Behavior like Confusion, agitation, slurred speech, irritability, delirium, seizures, and coma can all result from heatstroke.
  3. Your skin will feel hot and dry to the touch.
  4. Vomiting.
  5. Rapid breathing.
  6. Racing heart rate.
  7. Your skin may turn red.
  8. A high headache.
  9. Dehydration.

Following are the foods and drinks that can help you protect from heatstroke;

1. Cucumber

To treat heat stroke, cucumber is one of the best veggies that comprises of 95% of water. Do you know the best part? A cup of cucumber slices contains only 16 calories. It is also perfect for the purpose of losing weight this summer. This creates a successful, toxin-ridding agent because it is high in water content, teaming up with its natural stores of dietary fibers. You should consume at least 1 cucumber with its skin as it also consists of a significant amount of vitamin C. It also holds an antioxidant property that helps you fend off skin cancer caused by those blistering UVA and UVB rays.

2. Watermelon

If you love to eat this cool and refreshing watermelon than there is no need to worry about heatstroke. It is a water rich fruit that helps in dealing with hunger and thirst. You can also make its shake for refreshment. For the juice;

  • Add watermelon slices in the juicer blender and add a little water to it.
  • Blend it, strain it, add a pinch of black salt and drink.

3. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is also known as seeded apple. This Fruit has numerous health benefits that come from popping a handful of these ruby-like seeds in your mouth. This remedy helps in preventing heatstroke as it is loaded with water and also rich in special antioxidants called punicalagins. Drink one glass of pomegranate juice daily as it is very helpful for heatstroke days.
For the pomegranate juice, all you need to do is;

  • Take out the pomegranate seeds and wash them.
  • Add little water in the seed to blend them.
  • Now strain the juice and drink.

4. Tamarind Drink
This drink is commonly known for treating stomach disorder. It is very helpful in dealing with heatstroke by lowering the body temperature. Tamarind is rich in vitamins, electrolytes, and minerals. For the preparation of  tamarind drink, all you need to do is;

  • Soak some tamarind in boiling water.
  • Now, strain it and add a pinch of sugar and drink it.

Tamarind juice also acts as a mild laxative.

5. Mint

Mint is one of the best kitchen ingredients to face heatstroke during this summers. You can easily have mint in your diet such as, eat mint ice cream, have a cup of mint tea, mint sauce, and mint in a salad. It helps in keeping you refresh by detoxifying your body.

6. Kiwi

Dehydration is one of the top issues in hot summer due to heat stroke. It places stress on the heart and inhibits kidney's ability. A research shows that 20% of daily water intake is sourced from food. Kiwi is one of the best juicy fruits that helps maintain the correct balance of electrolytes. It also keeps you hydrated and holds 237mg of an important electrolyte that is vital for muscle contraction. Make a salad of kiwi or you can also have it in your desserts like custard and pudding.

7. Celery

Celery contains 96% of pure water like cucumber. It is best to minimize the effects of heatstroke. Celery consists of vital minerals including sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, iron, and zinc. Two or three sticks is enough to keep those electrolytes up and keep acid reflux at bay. Have celery in your salad before each meal. Add two of almond butter into the celery's crease, make a tasty twist and healthful portion of a monosaturated fats and protein!

8. Snow peas

Peas are also referred as snow peas. It is a refreshing veggie for heat stroke and has hydrating effects. It has an exceptionally high amount of important element, namely vitamin C. Peas helps in the production of collagen. It is a water-soluble antioxidant that also protects the skin from sunburn. You can have this veggie in a salad or can bake it as a snack.


You should prevent heatstroke during summers as it is predictable and preventable. You should follow the following precautions to stay fit and fine this summer. You should;

  • Wear loose and lightweight clothing.
  • Protect against sunburn like use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. Apply sunscreen after every two hours.
  • Drink plenty of a fluid
  • Look out for heat-related problems. Take extra precautions, if you take medications daily that can affect your body's ability to stay hydrated and dissipate heat.
  • Not stay alone in a parked car. Last year this was the common cause of heat-related deaths especially in children. This is because when a car parked in the sun, the temperature in your car can rise 20°F that is more than 6.7°C in 10 minutes.

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