6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs To Use Infusionsoft

6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs To Use Infusionsoft

Your business needs an online system that works 24/7, runs while you are sleeping, follows up automatically with your contacts, captures leads, processes orders, works with affiliate partners and sends out your newsletters and autoresponders. You also want to analyze your information so you can make the best decisions to grow your business. I’ve been working with Infusionsoft for many years now and it is an all-in-one solution that enables my clients to get organized, grow sales and save time.

Here are 6 reasons why your business needs to use Infusionsoft.

1) Proper communication involves sending out emails to the right audience. With Infusionsoft you have tags that will divide up your list into different segments based on their behaviors and actions.

Tags can be created based on a person’s email opens, clicks, website visits, purchasing choices, survey responses, etc. When sending out messages to your list you will decide which tags to apply to ensure your emails reach the right audience and by making proper use of tags you won’t overwhelm your audience with information that does not apply to them.

Behavioral-based marketing will enable you to effectively send out communications to reach your target market.

2) You need to analyze the results of your marketing campaigns. After a campaign is launched, a marketing manager needs to learn about the number of opens for emails, clicks, unsubscribes, etc. You want to know what products that sold the most and which sold the least and which free offers have the highest subscriptions. Infusionsoft provides powerful reports for you to dive in and examine the results of different marketing programs.

3) Your emails need to be both creative and professional looking. With Infusionsoft you can create quality emails as you have the option to easily add images, choose from a variety of font types and sizes, put in a nice signature and more.

4) When you send out a series of autoresponders you want to make sure you are sending them out at the right time intervals, to the correct segment and are easily able to pull people from the autoresponder when they perform the desired action (and this way don’t receive unnecessary messages). With the Infusionsoft campaign builder this can easily be achieved.

5) You need a system that has a shopping cart to sell a wide range of products, processes your orders with your merchant account, provides upsells when customers check out, sends out thank you notes after purchase with download instructions and more. Infusionsoft has all of these important ecommerce functions.

6) It’s great to have a database of customers and prospects, but do you know anything about them? When your sales force is contacting people or you are on the phone talking to a client, to communicate effectively the right information about the contact should be easily available. You need to know how the contact got on your list, what emails they are interested in reading, if they are opening your messages and clicking on the links inside, their purchase history and much more. When the sales team contacts your customer or prospect, what type of conversation are they having? Is a follow up call needed or did they make a purchase? With Infusionsoft you can apply a task to send a message for the sales representative to call the contact on a specific date and time. Also the sales rep is able to type notes in the contact record of their conversation.

With Infusionsoft you have a tool that easily retrieves data about every single person in your database - so you can have an intelligent conversation when speaking with contacts. As long as you take advantage of the many features it includes, you'll be all set.

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