5 Online Tools to Improve Office Administration at Your Workplace

5 Online Tools to Improve Office Administration at Your Workplace

Managing an office is not an easy task! The administrative staff has multiple tasks for the efficient running of the offices/organizations. The staff always seems to be in charge of loads of work. They are also responsible for some of the tasks outside the administration. There are a number of online tools that are meant to boost the productivity of the staff and assist in the smooth operation of the business/organization. Let’s check the 5 online tools that help improve office administration at the workplace.

1) Visitor Management System :

Creating a workplace environment that is safer for employees is the top priority of any business/organization. Many organizations still depend on paper logs for visitor management and leave the details open to anyone. The entry of software-based visitor management systems enables businesses to track and streamline visitor flows to enhance workplace security. The visitor management software allows only authorized visitors to enter the facility. The software captures visitors' images and digital signatures. The centralized dashboard offers a complete picture of the visitor details. Visitors can complete the registration process on their own before check-in. The VMS maximizes the front desk efficiency and improves business productivity.  The visitor management system reduces the administrative load and allows the management to employ the reception staff in other areas of the facility.

List of Visitor Management Tools:




2) Biometric Attendance Systems:

Biometric and time attendance systems are foolproof technologies that ensure the accuracy of employee attendance. The system is handy for any organization with a large number of employees and eliminates any manipulation of attendance in the workplace. The system captures unique biological/ physical features of the hands, including fingerprints, IRIS patterns, facial capture, and so on. The Biometric system stores the details in its database. It is very useful for the maintenance of workforce attendance and records the employees' accurate check-in and check-out times. Biometrics assists in boosting productivity and optimizing resources. The system renders secured access to organizations by controlling the entry and exit points of every employee.

List of Biometric Attendance Tools:




3) Admission and Enrollment Software :

For any school, Recruiting and enrolling students can be a time-consuming and daunting task.  Admission and enrollment software helps ease the admission and enrollment process of schools and is handy for school administrators.  The software manages the entire admission process of the students and helps schools stay academically successful. The software manages the application process and makes it easy for the admission staff to assess and compare the students. Using this software, the staff can easily check the student enrollment status and also get a clear view of demographics and other details.

List of Admission and Enrollment Tools:




4) Customer Feedback System :

Customer feedback plays a vital role in the growth and development of business. Many established businesses do lend the utmost importance to customer feedback. Customer feedback offers insights to improve products and services. They constantly listen to the voice of customers, address the issues, and implement necessary action for an enhanced experience and to improve customer delight. Earlier, feedback forms used to be the main source for capturing feedback. They are now being replaced by customer feedback systems. The feedback systems help businesses to understand customers better and help to improve customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty.

List of Customer Feedback Softwares:




5) Team Collaboration Tools:

The collaboration tools are composed of different types of software and online services that allow people to work together on common projects irrespective of their physical location. They offer robust capabilities to manage and work together for not only productivity but also successful projects. Choosing the right collaboration tools is very critical and improves the productivity of the team. Some of the best collaboration tools for your business include Slack, Trello, Microsoft teams, Jira, Facebook workplace, Asana, Flock and so on.

List of Team Collaboration Tools:




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