3 Practical Robots Already in Use


Robots are drastically altering the modern day workplace. A large misconception surrounding such automated technologies is that robotic applications can only be utilized by corporate Goliaths. However, as time progresses, an increasing number of business owners are beginning to comprehend the boundless growth potential that accompanies the deployment of robotics. Here are some innovative robotic creations with unique industrial applications.


Everyone wants to get the most out of their vacation. Unfortunately, the fun may become stalled when travelers arrive too early to check in at their hotel and are forced to haul their luggage around as they wait for their room to be prepared. However, thanks to the Yotel Hotel’s ingenious new robotic creation coined the “Yobot”, visitors are swiftly being alleviated of their luggage storage woes.

With the help of MFG Automation, the Yotel was able to successfully alter a robotic arm which was previously utilized in factory automation. As a result, the hotel’s luggage processing procedures have been completely automated.

The large robotic arm is encased behind a glass wall where visitors are able to watch the machine at work. After interacting with a touchscreen, Yobot provides guests with a container for which to place their luggage in. Shortly after, the box is weighed and placed into a compartment along a spacious wall of lockers. Yobot then issues a receipt to the guest for when they wish to finally pick up their bag.

Robotic arms are already utilized within the medical and automotive industries, however, this is the first instance an automated arm has been used to help travelers haul their bags.


A renowned fallacy concerning robotics is the idea that it is simply the mundane and repetitive tasks that will receive the attention of robotic automation. While the mechanization of monotonous duties is in fact at the forefront of automation, there are however several unique companies seeking to improve efficiency by automating the customer service aspects of their business.

OSHbot is a prodigious creation which fills this niche of robotic automation. Recently, an OSHbot retail service robot was installed in the midtown San Jose Orchard Supply Hardware store. The 5-foot-tall autonomous robot is capable of greeting customers as they arrive in both English and Spanish. Visitors of the store are able to communicate with OSHbot in a number of ways. Firstly, customers can convey exactly what they are looking for to the robot, or they can simply hold up an image of the item to OSHbot’s camera and the robot will direct them to the precise location of the item in the store.

OSHbot is also able to track inventory in real time and is capable of informing employees when an item is no longer in stock.

Advanced Intelligent Systems Inc.

Having faced increased environmental and labor-force challenges, agriculture is an industry at a crossroads. The sector is constantly evolving and forward-thinking farmers are embracing innovative solutions to stay a step ahead of the game. By employing innovative robotic solutions, Advanced Intelligent Systems Inc. (AIS)’s revolutionary UGV technology is guaranteed to alleviate farmers from the complexities of crop cultivation.

As greenhouse nurseries have begun to migrate towards container-based production, these cumbersome containers require periodic movement to accommodate growth and seasonality. However, this arduous task is often carried out manually by foreign temporary workers who are both costly and difficult to source. Luckily, there is a solution.

AIS’s Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) has been developed to replace employees who perform these hazardous tasks. This flexible autonomous system is capable of transporting various plant pot sizes and weights according to a pre-programmed pattern. As a result, the intricacies of employee turnover are utterly eliminated, as AIS’s UGVs are capable of working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Not to mention, there will be no need to pay costs such as worker insurance, medical, housing, transportation, and even wages.

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