3 Missing Qualities Every Production Manager Must Have

Production Manager Recruitment Insights

In the manufacturing industry, production management plays a significant role as it deals with the entire process of converting raw material into finished goods. For a smooth workflow experience, every manufacturing organization needs a "production manager".

With a significant increase in prospective candidates, it is a bit hard for organizations to hire a candidate with the right skillsets for a particular job. Hence, the recruitment process in the area of production management become stringent. If we see from the HR manager's perspective then, they are forced to apply a lot of filters to pick one "right hire" from an available talent pool.

Observing this recruitment scenario, it becomes essential for candidates to focus on those key skill sets that can make them "exceptional" candidates for production manager hire.

First, let's understand production management

In simple words, the production function evolves around the following activities:

Directing, and
Controlling production activities

To satisfy the requirements of customers' production management draw together the 6Ms – men, machine, money, methods, material, and market. However, the term production management is gradual, being replaced by operation management.

The objective of production management

Every organization aims for these 4 main objectives in its production function process:

  • Produce goods and services of the right quality;
  • At right time;
  • In the right quantity; and
  • At minimum possible cost

The manufacturing company ensures optimum utilization of available production capacity. Hence, HR managers look for skilled candidates for production function recruitment.

Production Manager Job Description

The role of the production manager is to supervise the manufacturing process and ensure production lines are running efficiently and smoothly. They work diligently with maintenance staff and supervisors to set targets and plan work. Their ultimate goal is to make sure the finished goods meet quality standards.

Top 3 qualities recruiters look for in product manager hire. (For a very comprehensive discussion of all the skills required to become a great product manager, I recommend checking out this resource from Digital Authority).

1. Strategic Thinking

An exceptional production manager always starts, by asking the right questions. It is about understanding the manufacturing process and establishing better communication with staff at all levels. He or she will start with resourceful planning i.e. creating an effective roadmap to make an informed decision.

2. Get things done

As mentioned above, production management is about delivering products and services of the right quality at the right time. This workflow makes apparent, production manager must have the ability to "get things done" including, making right decisions, even under pressure.

Sometimes you get others to do it, other times you have to roll up your sleeves and get it done.

3. Good problem-solving skills

Every problem has a solution! However, it is a time factor that measures the effectiveness of any solution. It is expected from the production manager to come up with the most effective solution in a minimum possible time frame. Hence, aspirants with exceptional problem-solving skills always top the recruiter's list of desired production manager candidates.

Besides, the above mentioned key skills, candidates for production manager hire must have – good project management skills, Math's, and IT skills, knowledge of manufacturing quality standards, and understanding of health and safety.

Production control plays a significant role in the accomplishment of an organization's objective. It is a never-ending process of managing the production of products and services, which satisfy customer's requirements. As a result, an organization can increase its sales. Subsequently, the role of the production manager is quite noteworthy.

To become a remarkable candidate for production manager hire, candidates need to enhance their skill sets to get the attention of recruiters. 

They must focus on both, hard skills and soft skills to emerge as a better candidate. Although, in the manufacturing sector hard skills weigh a lot and so is the people management skills for better team synergy and delegation of responsibilities.

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