12 Scrap Car Valuable Items

car ready to sell for parts

No matter if you are having an old or rusty clunker or even an advanced model, it is essential to know the value of your automobile parts when it comes to assessing its overall worth. Here we have given 12 items of scrap car that are surprisingly valuable and that could help you to make a fair money when it comes to selling your vehicle for parts.

1. GPS System

Even though most of the people probably use their smartphones as their GPS system these days, but still you can consider selling the GPS system for fair cash, when it comes to breaking your automobile for parts.

2. Fenders

Whether you have a brand-new, slightly damaged or even smashed vehicle, Fenders are the type of thing that you may think about, when it comes to your vehicle’s parts. They protect the wheel wells and portions of the undercarriage of an automobile. Nowadays, bumpers and fenders are directly connected for most of the vehicles. So, when it comes to replacing its parts, it could be very expensive. This is the reason, most of the people look out for second hand used fenders.

3. Doors

Of course, no one would want to drive around with a vehicle that doesn’t have any doors. Doors not only offer protection from, but they can be also sold for good bucks, when it comes to selling your automobile for parts. The other components like lock or unlock buttons, window controls, mirror controls, sheet metal, etc. Can also be sold separately, therefore you can truly increase your profit.

4. Catalytic Converters

Of course, it is commonly known that the catalytic converter is a coveted piece of any vehicle built after 1975. The reason is simple that it consists of valuable metals like rhodium, palladium, or platinum, which have a high resale value. Along with this, it also helps in reducing the amount of hazardous gases.

5. Bumpers

All of us have seen those vehicles that are perfectly running instead of being cracked, missing bumper or dented. The bumper is actually a multi-layered group of components which contains steel, aluminium, plastic and fiberglass composites. These items combined helps in reducing the damage that occurred in low speed accidents. You can earn a couple of hundred, based on the make, model or year of your automobile.

6. Battery

If you think of selling the automobile’s battery individually, you can make about $20. Additionally, recycling it will also help you to reduce the toxic chemicals present in the environment. You can even think about refurbishing a battery by using distilled water and Epsom salt rather than recycling it. This process will extend its life by usually 5 years.  

7. Air Conditioning System

Of course, there is nothing worse than getting stuck in a vehicle with a broken or non-working air conditioner. Even if the whole body of your vehicle is down, you can fortunately probably make a small quantity of money by selling its air conditioning system.

8. Air Bags

When you have a totalled vehicle, but its airbags are not deployed, you can certainly make earn some money by selling off the unused airbags. Even though, purchasing airbags will cost only a couple hundred bucks, but a proper installation can cost around one thousand dollars.

9. Windshield Wiper Arms

Just like above listed components of vehicles, windshield wiper arms can be also of great value. Based on your vehicle’s model, you may be able to get about $65 for each windshield arm.

10. Tailgates

When it comes to breaking out a vehicle for parts, tailgates can be sold for a few $100, if it is in perfect condition. However, if you had a customized tailgate, you can probably make a significantly more money.

11. Radio

Other than a broken A/C, having a non-working radio in your vehicle is another great mechanical issue. Of course, if you have a new radio installed in your vehicle, it may probably worth more than the generic setup with which you bought your automobile. So, you can consider selling your radio system and put some good money in your pocket by selling it.

12. Engine Oil & Oil Filters

Even though recycling the motor oil and oil filters and engine oil will not get you a large profit, but engine oil has not really gets worn-out. Instead, it only needs some cleaning. This is why, disposing the motor oil properly is important. And, you can easily do so by having cleaned by an authorized recycling station or garage. The same goes for the oil filters, which can be cleaned, refurbished, and reused after the oil is removed.

Just remember, you can make the decent cash for cars while selling them for parts & accessories.

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